Enrollment arc-4

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Compared to the training by that beast of a woman, figuratively and literally, these guys are just cannon fodder for me. I don't even need sharingan for this.

Seeming like impressed, Kokonoe-san clapped his hands and said, "Randori"

On command, the remaining four stood up, and surrounded me.

I didn't have confidence to come out of this, unscathed without using kamui. But if I start replying on kamui too much, all those memories of taijutsu would go to waste.

Shiori-san did teach me to use my taijutsu for combat. But Kokonoe-san would definitely have better knowledge of my taijutsu since he's a shinobi himself.

I activated my sharingan. My senses were heightened to max. I was ready.

All for of them ran towards me in an instant. This time, Kokonoe-san didn't give the command.

The disciple in my front, let's say A, was close to punching me, but I could feel a threat behind me. That was the main attack, while the one in front was a fake!

I moved my head to the side, and the fist of disciple Bmissed me.

I grabbed onto that arm and slammed disciple B, against disciple A.

But it wasn't done. A leg sweep from disciple C, and I dodged by jumping.

But a roundhouse kick from the disciple D was already in front of me. He was confident it would hit me, considering I was mid air.

But who said, I had to dodge only?

Crossing my arms against my face, I blocked the kick. My body was pushed back. That kick was pretty strong, considering it was strengthened with ninjutsu arts.

I couldn't feel the psion burst from that kick. Although slightly, my arms were stinging.

'Looks like I should get serious',  i thought to myself, and lifted my arm. This blocked the incoming kick from disciple B, who recovered and came back for more.

Grabbing his arm, I lifted him up, but the disciple twisted his body and launched a kick to my face.

Why are these guys going for the head? Did they just watch infinity war yesterday?!

Not giving him a chance to balance himself properly, I used him as a battering ram against the incoming disciples.

But it didn't go so well, considering the coordination between these guys were too good.

My battering ram was able to adjust his body just enough for disciple A to kick me in the chest. I let go of disciple B and was pushed back again.

I coughed a bit. I was difficult to breathe. But nothing I couldn't handle. My body recovered soon.

All the disciples have already reached me. These guys were well coordinated. Even if I could read their move and anticipate them, I couldn't like all those moves installed in my mind properly. These guys were fast and stealthy. I was difficult to manage them all with taijutsu.

The three hit, but it wasnt my body. It was dio-, cough, disciple B!

Substitution jutsu!

Dude received the hit to the head, and sternum. The third one didn't even have to time to attack sinve the body was already pasted to the wall. I almost felt bad for him.

But I didn't sweat over it. I body flickered behind disciple D, who couldn't hit disciple B, and axe-kicked his shoulder. Dropping his knees, the dude couldn't resist my final blow and was down to the ground.

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