Enrollment arc- 9

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When Miyuki woke up, she found herself in a beautiful room with flowers all around and butterflies flying around.

She couldn't remember how's she got here.

All she remembered was meeting a senior and next instant, her mind went messy.

As her senses returned, she glanced at herself, sitting on the floor. A white coat, which she identified as the uniform coat covered her body.

As she took her coat off her, she found her uniform undone, partially exposing her chest.

Shocked, she glanced around the room for possible explaination and found a boy sitting on the floor, opposite to her, taking a nap.

He was sleeping peacefully, with his head resting on his forearm which was unturned supported by his knee.

The red sunlight that entered the room shined upon his face, making him look even more charming.

Seeing that face, a memory resurfaced.

He was holding her, and yeah next instant they kissed.

Even the sensation of that kiss was vivid on her lips

She unconsciously touched her lips. Her face fumed red from embarrassment.

The room went chilling cold.

The butterflies flying around moved away to find shelter from the cold.

The cold permeated Obito's skin, waking him up.

He could feel the sharp gaze directed at him. He groggily woke up, and glanced at the source.

"Shiba-san?", he muttered, half asleep.  "You're finally awake?"

"Y-you..", Miyuki stuttered in anger.


He was still coming to his senses, not fully understanding what's going on. But when he saw a drop a tear that appeared on Miyuki's face, he finally realized.


"Shiba-san, Miyuki-san, Miyuki!", Obito raised his arm in front of them, "calm down"

"You pervert!"

She yelled and a strong guat of psions rushed out of her like a volcanic eruption

"This is a misunderstanding!"

"You kissed me!"

No, I didn't!", Obito denied. 'it was all you' he thought mentally but didn't say it.


"Don't lie!", she said. She tapped her CAD and next instant I found myself plastered to the wall.

The temperature was going down rapidly.

She was using an aggravating type spell on me to hold me to the wall. But subconsciously her magic was cooling the whole room down. The animals in the room can't handle it.

"Miyuki, get a hold of yourself!", I yelled.

A gust of psions exploded from palm. The sudden explosion completely blew away the cold that filled the room.

I compresses large amount of psions into my arm released it all together.

It rushed out and blew away Miyuki's own magic.

"Gram Demolition?!", Miyuki said in surprise.

"Calm down. This is misunderstanding. I can explain", I said

But she was in no state to listen. Her eyes turned watery and she rushed to the door.

As she opened the door, i said,

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