Enrollment arc-11

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"Onii-sama, was that really what I think it is?!", Miyuki asked her brother.

"Teleportation", Tatsuya confirmed her thoughts. Hearing the answer, Miyuki's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock.

"Tatsuya-kun, we're you able to read it?", Kokonoe Yakumo asked me.

"I did", he replied. "But I can't reproduce it"

"Why is that?"

"When he teleported, an entirely new set of eidos surrounded him. It was not something I ever saw in IDEA before. It was not something I could read even with Elemental sight", Tatsuya admitted.

"Something that appeared suddenly inside IDEA?", Miyuki repeated Tatsuya's words.

"Maybe it was always present, in an another plane of IDEA, working in parallel but never connecting. But while teleporting, it appears in the IDEA I can read", Tatsuya speculated.

"But how come you can't read the eidos?", Miyuki asked.

"I guess there are things that even my eyes can't comprehend but his eyes can", Tatsuya said. 'But his eyes can?'


"Access CCTV footage around Fujimiya Shiori's house for the fast one hour", I spoke to the digital screen in the living room table. I wasn't sitting on the couch, but stood, because I was restless.

"Access granted"

Hearing this, I leaned on the table. I hit the play button o like the glass screen.

The video her house started to play. I skimmed through the video, but paused as soon a specific segment of the footage was shown.

It was me arriving in front of her house.

I took extra care to find a blindspot for me to teleport myself. The camera never saw me teleport there.

But the mystery was, how did the masked guy got it?

I slid my finger across the glass to fast forward it and the stopped when the image of a man jumping out of the window was seen

"Tag him"

"Tagging; Face recorded; body structure recorded. Tag complete"

"Track him down"

"checking local footages.

Using facial features as reference.

Error, no match found

Using Body structure as reference

"Error, no match found"

"Dammit!", I cursed as I relaxed back onto the couch.

I squeezed my temples in frustration.

"Use previous records of Wesen masked attacks as reference", I spoke.

"Looking into the records from data-base.

No records found.

Forwarding request to HQ

Please wait patiently"

So I won't get any answers until they review my request?

I sighed.

"Notify on getting a response. Now play the footage again"

The footage started playing. After fast forwarding a but more, I paused. Three guys ran out of the house, carrying something like a pole behind their back.

The irregular Grimm At Magic Highschool Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon