Enrollment arc-17

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"Damn it, why am I forced to come with you?", I started whining at Miyuki.

"You were there too when Nakajou senpai requested our help right?", Miyuki asked back.

"But it was a request for you, not me. I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time", I complained.

"Then why not call Tatsuya?"

"I can't bother Onii-sama with such trivial things", Miyuki instantly rejected my idea.

"So you are Okay with bothering me?!"

"Then you can leave. I will inform Nakajou senpai that you didn't wanna help", Miyuki sounded like she was comforting me but,

"Are you really threatening me?"

"Whatever do you mean?", Miyuki acted oblivious.

"Is this about yesterday lunch?", asked.

"Do I look that petty?"

"I didn't think you were but I am reevaluating you now", I said, "The gentle and noble Miyuki is actually a petty and threatening on the inside"

"You know, sometimes I really wonder why I even bother talking to you, Tobi", Miyuki sighed.

"Because I am handsome?", I joked.

Miyuki glanced at me with an expression of disgust and dissapointment. She didn't speak but her eyes were looked like they were saying, 'Are you for real?'

"You only have eyes for your Onii-sama, I get it. But do you really have to rub it in like that?", I complained.

Hearing my comment, Miyuki turned beet red. Her face looked like it over heated and her mental circuits were fried and her eyes looked like it was in her own little fantasy.

This bro-con.

As I sighed, my eyes caught something.

I was surprised. What was going on?

I arm chopped miyuki out of her fantasy.

"Kya-! What was that for?!"

I didn't reply. I simply pointed my finger at what was happening.

It was Honoka, Shizuku and Akechi Eimi san. The three of them were sneaking behind a lean guy wearing our school uniform.

I recognized him.

Kinoe Tsukasa, the President of the kendo club and the brother of the Blanche Egalites executive in Japan.

What is going on though?

Did they know about him? But how?

I don't remember this happening in the series. Neither in the anime, nor in the light novel. Is the story changing?!

"Let's go", Miyuki didn't stay there for long and started tailing them. I followed behind her.

But during this, one thing I noticed. "Miyuki, did you notice it too?"

"Yeah", Miyuki nodded. "He knows they are behind. It looks like he's leading them"

Our guess was proven write when he suddenly started sprinting. The three girls followed suit but they were stopped by thugs dressed in black, who arrived in bikes.

They starting circling them and cornering the three girls.

But the girls were smart enough to cast acceleration magic on themselves and move away quickly.

Unfortunately, the thugs seem to be not ordinary as well. They had antinite, which interfered with the magic of the girls.

They collapsed on the floor because of the psion intoxication, or magician's motion sickness.

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