Entollment Arc: 20

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Few minutes before Tobi's arrival


Mari said in worry.

Their constant magic was unable to reach their foe.

The two of them were the only ones left in the auditorium while the rest of students to prevent them from panicking. Since none of the students had access to CAD, they would be sitting ducks for the attackers, if left alone.

But the two of them had no idea their enemy would have a few tricks up their sleeves to counter them.

"The one behind him is the problem!", Mayumi replied.

The woman behind her was a magician. She didn't seem to have any offensive spells, but she was dissipation it before it could reach the attacker.

As for the other guy, he was a fire magic user from what they could see. But his magic was really peculiar.

He was breathing out extremely hot blue flames, which could easy span out on a wider range.

If any other situation, Mayumi was confident that she could take this man down, but every attack, Dry Meteor included, were being decimated by the woman.

As for taking her down first, the fire magician seem awfully fast and string enough to tank any other magic other than the convergence type magic used by Mayumi and Mari.

He stood before the woman like a fortress with the woman acted like lucky charm for him. It was a perfect counter.

"Satomi, to the front now!", the man commanded and the woman behind him stepped forward.

She raised her hand, revealing a copper coloured ring around her finger.


The buzzing sound reverberated within everyone's ears, much to their discomfort. Forget casting magic, many of the students fell to the ground due to migraine they were feeling.

Mayumi and Mari were holding up better than others, but they couldn't cast magic anymore

As for the fire magician, he seemed cast a magic that was the air to converge right above his head.

"Mayumi, he's converging extremely large amount of oxygen!"

Just as Mari spoke those words, the man cast his magic, and pale blue flames screamed through the air towards the students.

Mayumi wanted to use her magic but the problem was, even if the enemy woman didn't dissipate her magic, the amount of dry Ice to be used to take down a fire of this much heat could essentially cut off the oxygen for breathing and the students would go into shock.

"Mari, I will form a barrier, I need you to make sure the carbon dioxide doesn't spread towards the students!", Mayumi said, in the short amount of time she had, and starting casting her own magic instantly.

But, to everyone's surprise, the flames started converging into a ball and didn't continue on its path.

It started twisting in mid air and gradually shrieked in size, erasing itself from the view of others, leaving no trace behind.

The students, the attackers, everyone were left flabbergasted at the sight. Nobody had a clue what happened.

"I'm glad....we made it in time", a huffed voice came from the entrance, causing everyone to look at the new arrival.

In front of their view, was a boy and a girl, walking into the auditorium, one moving forward elegantly, while the other looked like he just ran a marathon.

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