Enrollment arc-14

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This chapter was meant for tomorrow but I am happy that one of my readers read the new chapter as soon as I released it. This chapter is for you :D

Next day, early morning, I got up for my training.

My stay at the temple felt more relaxing than at home. Was it because I was always on edge at home alone?

Tatsuya and Miyuki came in the morning.

Me and Tatsuya had a sparring session. In terms of pure hand to hand combat, Tatsuya had the advantage over me.

Even if I could read his moves, they were just too tricky to deal with. He always used my own predicting ability against me and by the time I could react, I was already on the ground.

But that was a whole different story if magic was involved. With kamui active, I was able to beat him too.

After they left, I went back the Temple to clean up. I constantly checked on Shiori-san but she wasn't waking up.

I sighed.

I had already informed Rodrick. He said he will arrange a safe place for her tomorrow. She will be moved to Kyoto.

With nothing better to do, I decided to work on my sensory skill.

I sat on the floor and started to meditate.

My senses extending everywhere around me. I am instant, I could sense everyone around the temple. With more focus, I extending the range outside of the temple. Although vague, I could extend my senses to about 1000m. It was too vague to distinguish individual presence though

Next I focused the range back inside the Temple. Then repeated the process again and again pike exercise.

I don't know how many hours went by, but I when I stopped, I was soaking wet from sweat and my psyche was drained.

I fell flat on the floor, exhausted and soon passed out.






Hearing the yelling, I jumped in panic. Next think I knew, I was standing upside from the ceiling.

"Do you really have to yell in my ear, Shiba-san?", I asked, recognizing the source. I had a smile on my face to mask the sheer annoyance I was feeling, for disturbing my sleep, and in the MOST annoying way possible.

"Then maybe you should try NOT to sleep in the middle of the dojo, uchiha-kun", she said with a smile, which I certainly knew, was not an honest one.

"Why are you here?", I asked as I hopped down. I looked outside and saw that the sun was already setting.

Did she come here right after school?

"Why isn't Tatsuya coming?", I asked

"Why would you easily assume Onii-sama would follow me everywhere I go?"

"Do I have to state the obvious?"

"...", Shiba Miyuki stood there silently. Her fake smile was faltering a bit, but she was trying her best to keep it.

"Looks like you don't have anything to explain about yourself. Well then, I will be leaving", she said, with an even more elegant smile, and then bowed.

As I saw her leave, mind was still stuck what she said.


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