Enrollment Arc- 8

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"Allow me to introduce you, Uchiha Obito from class 1a and Shiba Tatsuya from class 1e", Watanabe senpai introduced me and Tatsuya.

Currently I am attending my first meeting as a member of the Morals Committee.

Unlike in the series, I replaced Morisaki Shun and became the faculty recruited first year.

"Big sis, one of them is a course 2. Would he hold us back?", one of the senpais asked.

Hearing this, Watanabe senpai pulled towards him as she spoke, "he brought Vice president Hattori to his knees".

"He beat that Hattori-", the senpai was about to exclaim but was interrupted by a


"Don't call me Big sister, kouturo!", Watanabe senpai yelled at him after smacking his head.

Watching this, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Alright, let's get down to business", she said with a commanding tone.

"The one week frenzy of idiots is about to start"

It was certainly a unique way to start a meeting.


Meanwhile, Shiba Miyuki was walking along the hallway after finishing her work with student council.

"If it isn't Shiba Miyuki", a voice called her from behind.

Miyuki turned around and found a unfamiliar, yet charming face.

"Who might you be?", she asked politely.

"I'm Genma Yuji, from class 2b", he replied and walked up to her.

As he walked up to her, Miyuki found herself entrapped by the upperclassman's charm. The closer he got, the redder her face got. He was unbelievably enchanting

"I am the Club Representative of the Animal Herding club", he said with a smile. A smile that looked like the most beautiful smile Miyuki had seen in her entire life.

Her mind fell into a turmoil. A part of her wanted to get away from highschool guy while the other part wanted to be by his side forever.


"That really hurts", I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Why did you do that fully knowing you'd get beaten up?", Tatsuya said, walking beside me.

"Hey, I couldn't help it. She did have the big sister vibe around the Committee room", I protested.

"And you got what you asked for", Tatsuya gestured the back of my head.

"Give me a break", I sighed.

I all honesty, it doesn't hurt much now.

We currently arrived at from of the academy, and the most crowded area at that.

It was obviously my suggestion, since I know that a maiden would be in trouble here and she needed our help.

"um, please!", a familiar voice could be heard. "let go!"

It was Erika, becoming the rope im the tug of war between different clubs.

"Looks like the club members, hungry for new recruits, have already had their claws on Erika, their new victim", I commented.

"They are humans, not animals, Tobi", Tatsuya corrected me.

"You never know...", I muttered.

"Hey! Where do you think you're touching!", Erika's screams were getting louder but was getting ignored by the crowd.

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