Enrollment arc- 15

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The next dawn, Shiori-san was moved to Kyoto. Two fuchsbau affiliated with HW came to pick her up. They said they were her friends before she moved abroad and would be happy to help.

Do I trust them because they are sent by HW?

Hell No

Do I trust them because they would rip their own throats if they betray me because of the genjutsu I put on them?


Then, I returned home. I told master I won't be there for training since I would prefer get some proper rest.

Taking the short cut, aka kamui, I got back inside my house.

Before going to bed, I checked the table, the one with futuristic built in computer.

Turning it on, I saw a message Icon. Opening it, it read

Call back when you're back home


Not taking a second to hesitate, I called him.

The glass windows of the house turned black, and the light in the living room turned dim.

The giant TV screen in front of me switched on automatically and displayed the call icon.

After a few seconds, the call connected and Rodrick's face was visible.

"Were you waiting for my call?", I asked and chuckled.

"... Did they leave?", Rodrick asked ignoring my question.

"Yeah, just an hour ago", I replied. "She's alive"

"You still haven't told me what happened. Why is she in a coma?", Rodrick asked.

"She was attacked and almost died. The shock put her in trauma", I recited what I already told him.

"Why aren't you telling me the whole story, Obito?", Rodrick asked, frustrated. "You says he nearly died but there are no injuries on her body. So what happened to her?"

"Rodrick, you have to trust me on this one, please. I can't tell you what happened", I said. I know he doesn't trust me. The reason he moved Shiori-san away was probably because he thinks I was the one who did this to her.

Rodrick sighed. Then said, "you did cause quite the uproar".

"What do you mean?", I asked, puzzled

"The message you sent to the Reapers", Rodrick said with a smile.

"I see word travels fast", I said indifferent.

"It turned quite a few eyes to fall on Japan", Rodrick Commented. "That includes the Royals"

"But that's all they can do", I said.

"Maybe outsiders can only just watch but those inside can make their move"

"You mean the Master Clans?"

Rodrick nodded. "You need to be careful"

"Don't worry, I doubt they'd expect a Grimm to be a highschooler. The Kudo family would be looking for an adult or a female teenage Grimm, since that's the possible age for the Grimm abilities to show"

"But that doesn't mean they would just let it go. You maybe the first grimm with those red eyes but you're definitely not the first male teenage grimm", Rodrick said, "sooner or later, they'd find you"

"Calm down Rodrick, I can handle myself", I brushed him off, "also, why haven't I received any good information regarding that masked attacker?", I said to change the subject

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