Enrollment Arc: Epilogue

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"The school is secure. Come meet me at he student council", Tatsuya informed me through the comms.

"We are on our way", I replied and kamuid inside the student council room, along woth Miyuki, to which I cursed myself since there was a chance someone would see me.

Luckily, everyone's with Mibu senpai.
"No matter how many times I see this, it always surprises me", Tatsuya said in monotone.

Are you really surprised though?

"Did u get any info?", I asked Tatsuya.

"Yes", he said, his gaze turning serious. "From what I got, the Blanche task force are retreating from Tokyo. They are moving in two different routes via cargo trucks. The numbers and which one contains their leader is unknown. Since the route doesn't seem to connect anywhere, there is a chance that they are leaving the country separately"

"Can we catch up to them?", I asked.

"Except for the one taking the Shinjuku route, we can up with the other", Tatsuya replied.

I nodded.

I can't let them escape. If they do, I don't know what kind of trouble it will bring me.

"I will deal with the shinjuku guys. You can take other", I said.

"What makes you think I wanna take action though?", Tatsuya asked.

To this, I smirked and replied, "because we both don't want this matter to get into the hands of ones behind us"

This brought a small smile on Tatsuya's face, a smile of understanding.

"What are you gonna do once you find them?", Miyuki asked.

"All I need is Tsukasa Hajime alive. Rest, I leave it to your own discretion", I said as the space around me warped, erasing me from the real world.


An orange trailer truck, which looked like any ordinary truck, was transporting military grade equipment.

The containers of Antinite, and anti magician weapons, was guarded by six heavily armed men.

Tsukasa Hajime, the leader of this whole operation, took it upon himself to keep an eye on these highly valuable equipments.

Rest of his men were taking a different route would split up and hide until further orders, while he would be leaving the country for this issue may very well reach ears of the Master Clans.

But it wasn't just the Master Clans that he feared, no.

It's the person who caused him to run with his tail between his legs.

A fairytale who he never met but still instilling him with fear.

A Grimm.

But doesn't matter. He's safe the moment this truck exits the Yamate tunnel. It was only a matter of seconds....

The truck finally entered the tunnel.


I opened my eyes, for I have locked down on the target.

I was waiting for them ever since I kamuied myself above the tunnel. My senses expanded and focused solely on the exterior of the tunnel.

I could feel every single person and object that entered tunnel.

Maybe in the natutoverse they sensed using Chakra, but for me, I could sense them from the psions and puscions  around me.

But even with that, I couldn't keep an eye on everyone. So decided to focus on one thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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