Enrollment arc-16

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The next day, after my morning classes ended, I slumped on my chair.

"Damn, I had hard time staying awake", I muttered.

"How are you so lazy at school and yet so smart at studies and practical?", Shun asked me, sitting on the seat next to me.

"I have a good memory", I said. "And hey, thanks for the names you gave me"

"it only has the names from the first years. I couldn't find another our seniors", Shun said with regrets. "Also, that senpai you told us about, Tsukasa Kinoe, he's not a wesen"

"Are you sure?", I asked to confirm. Being the brother of the main villain of the enrollment arc, I expected the brothers to be wesen, since most troubles in this world are caused my wesen. But as it turns out my worry was for naught. But I am impressed that a human is able to become a key figure in Blanche.

"I will still look into him, since you said he's suspicious", Shun said.

"Don't pressure yourself", I said and stood up to my seat. "It's not like I need it urgently"

I walked up to Miyuki, Honoka and Shizuku and said, "let's meet up with others"

"Yes!", Honoka stood up instantly. She looked quite eager.

"No, Onii-sama told me he'd probably be late. So we should eat first and then go meet them", Miyuki said.

"Sounds like a plan to me", I said.

"Sure", Shizuku said in monotone.

"Let me get my bento", Miyuki said and walked to her bag. Honoka and Shizuku followed suit.

I did the same and took out my own bento, placed within the simple lunch bag.

And soon, we started having lunch in the classroom itself.

"Did you make your own lunch, Miyuki-san?", Honoka asked. Because we usually eat in the student council, she didn't see us bring bento.

"Yes, I do Honoka", Miyuki smiled at Honoka and proceeded to eat her rice.

"Is that instant Ramen?", Shizuku asked me, seeing my lunch.

"Yep", I said and then started slurping my soup.

"Shouldn't you eat something more healthy?", asked Honoka.

"Don't worry, I eat healthy back at home. I don't like eating lunch, but school makes me hungry anyway. So I prefer something I enjoy eating", I said. "Plus, ramen is plenty healthy "

"Don't argue with him, Honoka", Miyuki spoke up. "He won't listen. Yesterday, he threw a bottle cap at my forehead for his ramen"

The heads of the two girls turned towards me asking for explanation.

"She froze my Ramen!", I said in defense. "You shouldn't mess up a guy's food, especially my favorite food. That's a sacred trust", I said in matter-of-fact tone.

The three girls started laughing lightly.

"Also, Ramen is easy to make early in the morning", I said.

"Do you make your own lunch?", Shun's head appeared on my right.

"Dude, space!", I complained.

"Oh, sorry, I overheard when you said you make your own lunch"

"I make my own food at home", I informed.

"Wow!", Shun said. If this was in the anime, I'm pretty sure his eyes would be starry. "I tried making food but I almost burnt down my house. Since then, I family banned me from kitchen"

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