Enrollment arc- 19

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The rest went as per the original storyline.

The President came forward and said she would be willing to negotiate in front of the whole student body.

I really wanted to interrogate the three and end all of this quickly but I was advised to stay away from them because they seem to be suffering from PTSD.

I guess a seeing a Grimm with fully red eyes were too scary for them.

Of course, I was questioned on what I did to them and if I knew what a Grimm was, to which I feigned ignorance. It drew lot of suspicions towards me, but I didn't care. They're gonna know it soon anyway.

But the two days that followed, many of the students in school seem to be wary of me. Some even run away on sight. Of course, these were wesens since the word that I am a Grimm got out.

While the rest of the student body was completely puzzled as to why there is such tension among students, Shun and his friends tried their best to appease the wesen students.

After two days, the day of the negotiation forum came.

The entire security around the auditorium building was tight.

Me, who didn't have any interest in this whole negotiation, since I already know that President is gonna mope the floor with them, I decided to stand guard outside the front door of the building.

I could here the debate going inside but I didn't pay attention to it.

I stood there, waiting for what's about to happen. It didn't make me wait longer than anticipated.

The sound of explosions going off could be heard.

Even inside, the auditorium building, I could sense them panic from everyone.

Soon, seven men, armed with assault rifles, wearing gas masks ran towards me.

Seeing me stand in front, they pointed their guns at me.

"Gentlemen", I called out with a smile, leaning against the door. "It's not polite to come uninvited"

"Step away from the door and get down on your knees!", one of the yelled.

"What are you doing talking to this monster. Kill him!"

I guess everyone agreed since they all started firing at me.

I activated sharingan and see the bullets slow down.

I would love to use kamui in this situation, but I really needed to work more on my magic. So I decided to try something else.

"Deceleration zone"

I called put the name. The CAD in my arm projected the activation sequence but I didn't really need it.

The zone expanded around me for a distance of 2m.

Their wasn't but visible change around the space, other than a mandala pattern appeared on the ground

The bullets flying through the air could be seen to slow down at a visible speed.

Reaching half a meter from me, the bullets came to a stop.

It Worked!

"He stopped time!"

Are these guys idiots?

"He's a Grimm! Keep firing!"

Ah, there it is. I was wondering who the wesen was.

"Use the Antinite!"

As if I would let you.

I raised my hand forward and released even more psions.

I cast an emission type magic, spark on all of them, paralysing them and knocking them all out. They won't be able to move for at least an hour.

The irregular Grimm At Magic Highschool Where stories live. Discover now