Enrollment arc- 6

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I looked down at Morisaki Shun. He looked like he would freak out any moment now. he was still woged.

Dude, if you're scared, at least woge back!

Leaving now choice, my eyes changed and I activated my mangekyou.


The world around us changed.

The sky was red

The earth was black.

Stop stood tall in this world where I felt like I could do anything.

Morisaki Shun was still on his knees. His body was trembling, seeing how the world changed. Finally he woged back.

"You're a lowen?", I asked.

"P-please, don't kill me. I won't bother your friends or tell others that you're a grimm", he yelled.

"Dude, we're in the end of the 21st century, not the dark ages. Do you think I can kill you, the member of the Morisaki clan right in front of the school?", I asked. Then I realized, "Wait, I can but it would be too troublesome to return to school after that"

Maybe he didn't like that response, because he was trembling even more.

"Shun, trust me", I said, looking into his eyes, "I won't kill you as long as you don't do something unforgivable. I don't discriminate again the Kehrseite and the wesen, just like I don't discriminate against course 1 and 2"

Hearing this, he calmed down.

Seeing this, I changed the world around us back to normal.

The time around us didn't change at all, since inside Tsukuyomi, even the time flows according to my will.

Truly a godly ability.

My eyes turned normal, I looked at the rest of Morisaki Shun's group.


Three of them were wesen.

A boy turned into a wolf faced wesen, a blutbad.

Another turned into a Hundjagers, the hound type. Classic.

The final girl turned into a snake faced.

They saw me.

"Look out!", Tatsuya yelled. This was the first time I hear him this loud.

But this made everyone turn their attention away from me.

Mitsui-san was casting a spell.

"I can't make it!", Erika tried to reach her, but she wasn't confident she could.

I could, but I knew I didn't need to.


Which a buzzing sound, the entire magic sequence was cancelled out.

"Unless it's for self-denfense, the use of unauthorized magic is a violation of school regulations!", the scolding voice of the president was heard by all.

"President saegusa!"

"Unless it's me", a girl standing behind her walked forward.

"I am the Moral committee chairman, Watanabe Mari!", she spoke with an alternative tone. "All students present here will be inquired about the situation. If you resist", her gaze turned sharper, "I will have to resort to magic"

With this, I stepped away from Morisaki Shun's, who got up. The three wesen also woged back.

Everyone was in a state of panic.

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