Chapter 3 Bellatrix's Stories (Y/N)

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I was expecting Bellatrix to pull away or something but no she went along with it and it was really nice. When Bellatrix kissed me back my heart exploded with joy! I have always had a crush on Bellatrix since I first saw her. I told her everything but my last name and my last name is Lestrange yes I am Y/N Lestrange. I am part of the Lestrange family. My family worked for Tom until we went into hiding from him. My parents sold me to Tom for freedom from his evil deeds and tricks. I have never told Bellatrix because I was scared that she would kick me out.

Bellatrix tells me everything like the time Mr. Malfoy called her stupid he said, "Oh, you don't know Tom as I do, Bellatrix."

That is calling her stupid because Tom tells Bellatrix everything. Or the time she killed a rat and said to wormtail, "Aaaaaah . . . did you love him, little baby wormtail?"

I found that very funny!

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