Chapter 44 Dobby (Y/N, Narcissa)

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After a bit Bella sent for the goblin.

"I don't know." The goblin said.

"Why weren't you doing your job?!" Bella said.

"How did she get in!" Bella said.

"I don't know..." The goblin said.

I started to feel bad for the poor thing.

"LIER!" Bella yelled and made a slice on his face.

"BELLATRIX!" I yelled.

"Oh shut it!" Bella yelled at me.

"She severs no more use its better if we kill her." Bella said.

With that the boys ran out from the stairs. They knocked Bella's wand out from her hand and blasted Lucius away. I laughed a little then they started to duel Draco and Narcissa. I aimed my wand at Bellatrix when she grabbed the girl. Bella held her dagger to the girl's throat.

"Drop your wands... Drop em!" Bella said and they dropped them.

I dropped my wand as I knew that Narcissa would take it.

"Look what we have here its Harry Potter." Bella said.


"Call him." Bella said.

As Lucius started to call him we all heard squeaking.

"What the-" Y/N said.

With that Bella pushed the girl away with a yell as the chandler came crashing down. The boy we think is Harry grabbed the wands and send Lucius flying and stood there scared for my life.

"Dobby?!" Y/N said.

"Dobby!" I said.

"Stupide elf you could have killed me!" Bella yelled.

"Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby meant to maim or seriously injure." Dobby said.

I pulled out my wand then next thing I knew Dobby snapped it in his hands.

"How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?" Bella said.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Dobby said.

Then they proofed away and Bellathrow her dagger at them. We all watched as Bella's daggergo in the portal just as it closed behind it.

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