Chapter 13 Goodbye Lestrange (Bellatrix, Voldemort)

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Me and Cissy went different ways she was to find Y/N and I was going to find Y/N's parents. How dare they kidnap Y/N!

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Lestrange~ Come out Come out where ever you are~." I said slightly crackling.

Then a scarlet light came right at me, and the caster was Mr. Lestrange.

"Expelliarmus!" He yelled but missed.

Then I yelled, "Crucio!"

Then Mrs. Lestrange came around the corner and try to use the Expelliamus on me but again it missed.

Then I yelled, "Crucio!"

Then I watched as she fell to the floor screaming.

"The best part of being a death eater is the torturing we can do to others." I said as I crackled.


I found Rodolphus and Rabastan and took them to the front of the house. As I waited for Narcissa, Y/N, Bellatrix, Mr., and Mrs. Lestrange I tried talking to the boys but that didn't work. Then Narcissa and Y/N showed up and Y/N almost took the words out of my mouth.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't call my Lord. They took my wand and snapped it." Y/N said.

"It's ok Y/N it was just Narcissa that kept bugging me about you-" I said before two green lights stopped me.

"Damn it Bellatrix you weren't supposed to kill them." I said as Bellatrix came crashing from a window.

Y/N screamed as she watched Bellatrix. I sighed as Bellatrix became a dark cloud and then showed up behind Y/N.

"Come on we have to go!!!" Bellatrix said and before I could ask why a whole bunch of dementors arrived.

As we left we made sure the boys got blamed.

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