Chapter 14 What Y/N Sees (Y/N)

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I was so glad we got out of there but to think I kissed Cissy back!? All I know is that I can never tell Bellatrix about this ever! But as we got to the Malfoy Manor Bellatrix left to take a shower and I left for Bellatrix's room. As I walked into her room I saw that it wasn't decorated for Christmas at all! So I started decorating her room well our room now I guess.

Cissy decided to combine our rooms into one room.

"What are you doing?" Bellatrix said as she walked into the room.

I jumped as I didn't hear her come in.

"I saw your room wasn't decorated... So I thought-" I said before I got distracted by Bellatrix.

The way she looked at me. It was a warm safe smile but also mysterious and a warning. The way she moved her body close to me. Her hips slightly moving side to side. Her head how it ever so slightly moves with every step.

The way she looks with her still-wet hair in a bun but still somehow in her face. I couldn't help to stare at her and bite my lip. But the one thing the only thing that caught my eye was her lips. I saw that there wasn't any lipstick on them so I started to wonder how soft they were. How warm they are.

How they will feel against my own.

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