Chapter 9 Crucio (Y/N)

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"Well, whenever you left Cissy always cheeked up on me and hung out with me so I wouldn't have to be alone."

Cissy was always very kind to me when we were in school. She never cared that I was a Ravenclaw. Cissy was my only friend when we were at school even at the private school we went to. But it all changed when we hit our last year at Hogwarts when I started to study so much that we stopped talking to each other.

~Flashback to Cissy's wedding~

"Oh Y/N I'm so glad you came! I thought you wouldn't come." I could tell Cissy was glad I was there but she also sounded worried.

"I would never miss this, I care too much about you to miss this!"

Then the wedding started and I took my place. I sat in the front row on Cissy's side. As I looked at Cissy coming down the aisle I knew that would never be me. Then a sudden hit to my head knocked me out. I woke up later in a dark room, no windows, nothing. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was tied up by the Incarcerous spell I think. I don't know which spell or charm it was then the cell door opened.

"You don't know how long we have been looking for you Y/N. To think that you're as old as my sister." This came from what sounded like a female with a cold.

But could she be talking about Narcissa?

"Oh quiet now are you?" The woman spoke again but I was too busy trying to get away from her.

"Oh, how dare you try to leave! Crucio!" The woman yelled the Crucio curse at me and bloody hell it hurt!

Then she lifted me by my neck and pushed me against the wall, her dagger against my throat, slightly cutting it.

"P-Please! St-Stop!" I was somewhat crying when I spoke.

"And why should I?" Spoke the woman slightly crackling then she yelled,

"Crucio!" She yelled now crackling a lot.

"BLOODY HELL!" I yelled in pain, I think this woman loves this curse.

"Incarcerous." The woman said softly.

Damn does her mood change fast then she threw me onto the cold hard ground. I whined in pain and that only made her crackle more.

"Y-You cruel witch!" I said in a whisper since it hurts way too much to yell.

"Oh? Really now?" She chuckled slightly, then she lifted me by my neck again.

"You're lucky I won't Avada Kedavra you right now." She said quite angry then she let me drop to the floor again then she left.

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