Chapter 12 Narcissa's Crush (Narcissa)

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I was so mad at Bella that she told Lord Voldemort that Y/N is with the Lestranges, and he said to wait she will call soon. But it's a week before Christmas and Y/N haven't called and I can tell that Bella kinda misses her.

"My Lord I can't take it! Y/N hasn't called and-" I said before Voldemort cut me off.

"That's why me, you, and Bellatrix are going to get her." Voldemort said as my face lit up then Bella spat out her coffee.

"WHAT! WHY ME!?" Bella yelled.

"Because Bellatrix Y/N is supposed to trust you! That was the plan and her not calling is making me think that she doesn't trust you." Voldemort yelled back.

As Bella and Voldemort started to talk about Y/N and why she didn't call I felt like it was all my fault. Only if they knew that Y/N ran away when she came to my fake wedding, Y/N's parents hated that she was friends with me.

"Cissy! Are you ok?!" Bella asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean? I'm fine." I said then Bella pointed out that I was crying.

Shit, I didn't even know that I was crying.

"Yes just sad that Y/N isn't here but happy that we are going to go get her." I lied.

I feel like Bella was looking through me because she asked, "Are you lying Cissy?"

Then Voldemort said, "Narcissa do you like Y/N?"

I looked around Bella was mad Voldemort looked disappointed.

"No! Never! Me and Y/N are just friends!" I lied I do... No, did... No, do... I do have a crush on Y/N.

~Time skip to saving Y/N~

As we got to the Lestrange house I ran to the room they had Y/N.

"Cissy! Look!" Bella whispered/ yelled at me.

I looked over to see Y/N's wand snapped in half. That's why she hasn't called! Then I found the room they had Y/N in and I used the Bombarda Maxima charm to get in. I know I could have used the Alohomora charm but I wasn't thinking. I was way too worried about Y/N to care.

"Oh Y/N!" I yelled when I saw her.

"Narcissa!? What!? How!? Why!?" Y/N said.

I walked over to Y/N and stood in front of her.

"Y/N I am sorry for what I'm about to do..." I said before I smashed my lips against hers.

I think Y/N knew what I was going to do because she started kissing me back.

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