Chapter 30 The Spell (Y/N, Narcissa)

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As I started to open my eyes I saw a small sliver of light coming into the room.

"Ah good morning Y/N. How was your sleep?" Narcissa said.

"Hmm? Ah! Good morning Cissy, I slept well. How did you sleep? What time is it?" I asked.

"I'm glad you slept well and I also slept well. Also, it's 9 in the morning dear. Quite early for you." Narcissa said.

"It's 9? Damn, that is early for me." I said quite shocked.

"Well since you are awake now can I please have your pillows?" Narcissa said with a giggle.

"Pillows what do you mean-" I said as I stop and looked at what I was using as a pillow.

"I! Um! I! I did-didn't mean to Cissy! I-I'm sorry!" I said blushing as I quickly sat up.

Narcissa giggled and pushed me down softly and then rested her head on my breast.

"Cissy, what are you doing?" I asked.

"What? I want to know how it feels too! You don't get all the fun." Narcissa said as she chuckled.

I sighed and smiled.

"Has the house elves came yet? I really need my morning coffee." I said with a chuckle.

"Coffee? Not a tea in the morning person dear?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes I love tea like the next but only coffee helps me wake up." I said.

Narcissa chuckled and called a house elf not even lifting her head.

"Althea, can you please get Y/N a cup of coffee please?" Narcissa said.

Next Narcissa got up and got out a little white bubbled short sleeve shirt with a very dark green long skirt and a green corset leading into a dress.

"Here we go! Does it fit?" Narcissa said as she handed the elf the outfit with green flats.

I watch the elf quickly run to the hall bathroom to change.

"What was that?" I asked.

"A free elf but under my employment. Oh! Also yours." Narcissa said as she got back into bed and laid her head on my beasts again.

As I smiled and rubbed Narcissa's head the elf came back with a black and green mug and handed it to me.

"Aww, Althea it fits, and look at you!" Narcissa said with a smile.

"You look really lovely Althea." I said hoping I got her name right.

"Thank you now I'm sorry but I have to go!" Althea said as she left the room.

I started to drink my coffee when Narcissa got up.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to get ready dear." Narcissa said as she got her clothes and when to the bathroom to change.

I put down my mug and got up I saw some clothes left out so I got them on. It was a black off the shoulders long-sleeved shirt with a green plaid skirt. I took out my wand and cast accio a green ribbon. I tied it around my neck where my cut is from Bella's dagger was and let my h/l cover the back. I could have put makeup on the cut to hide it but I have never been a makeup person. I started to look around a bit for shoes before I took black, high-length, low-heeled boots and put them on.

As Narcissa came out in a green down-to-her-knee dress with a black jacket.

"Y/N that's dangerous." Narcissa as she took out her wand and walked over to me.

"So? It's only to cover it up." I said as Narcissa looked at me.

"Shhh. I don't want to hurt you." Narcissa said as the ribbon left my neck by her wand.

As the ribbon went around my neck again a blue rose pin held the ends together.

"Ta-Da! Oh Y/N just look at you! Come on since I didn't want to wake you I am behind." Narcissa said as she took my hand and took me out of the room.

I chuckled and followed her as we first stopped at a big black door. As Narcissa took out a key and unlocked the room.

"Y/N stay here ok?" Narcissa said.

I nodded my head as she went in. After what felt like forever Narcissa came out with her hair messed up a bit. As Narcissa started to get to her next stop I fixed up her hair. As we got to our next stop Narcissa opened the door and stuck her head in.

"How is it going? Sorry, I'm late." Narcissa said.

"It's going well but we had to remake the eggs." A house elf said.

"It's ok don't worry." Narcissa said as she started to move again.

"C-Cissy wait!" I said as I started to fall behind.

Just as Narcissa turned around I fell onto the floor out of breath. I couldn't see well anymore everything was blurry and spinning. As someone touched my shoulder I knew it was Narcissa by her slim hands. As I think her mouth was moving I couldn't hear anything. Next thing I knew Narcissa spelled "stay awake" with her finger on my back and I nodded my head.


After Y/N nodded I held her close. Somehow the cut on her neck opened up and she was losing blood fast. As Lucius finally came he had Bellatrix with him.

"Bellatrix stop this now!" Lucius said aggressively.

"And why would I?" Bellatrix said.

"Bella please you said! It isn't time, please! This isn't how you will get her back!" I said in tears.

Bella got out of Lucius's grasp and stopped Y/N's bleeding and left. I brought Y/N's face close to my own and whispered a spell.

"Cissy, what did you do?" Lucius asked.

"I took some of the pain away... Y/N I'm so sorry..." I said as I held Y/N close.

"Cis-Cissy..." Y/N said weak and out of breath.

"No no no! Y/N please don't speak right ok?" I said worriedly.

"Narcissa I'm sorry I never knew that you and Y/N are that close..." Lucius said.

"Please just go I got it now..." I said and Lucius left.

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