chapter 11

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Hawk drove around for ages looking for y/n. He was starting to get worried. They have aruged but never like this. Hawk felt terrible about what he said. He could never mean that ever.
Hawk called demetri to get him to help looking for her. Demetri got in his car and started driving around.
Demetri arrived at the park and went over to the bridge to look under and there she was. Demetri went over to her and she was shivering so demetri gave her his Jacket.
" Come on let's get you home" demetri said standing her up.
" No I'm not going back there. Hawk hates me. He said he wished I was never born" y/n said.
Demetri rolled his eyes. Hawk also told demetri what she said to him.
" Yeah and you said you wished he wasn't your legal guardian and you didn't mean that did you?" Demetri asked.
Y/n nodded.
" Yeah and Eli didn't mean what he said. You both said things in the heat of the moment that you didn't mean so let's just get you home so you and hawk can apologize to each other" demetri said putting y/n In his car.
While he was getting in the car he rang hawk to tell him he found her and hawk started to calm down. They all sped home so hawk and y/n can talk about what just happened.

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