chapter 18

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Y/n sat there awkwardly while demetri played the video game.
Y/n got the urge to hold his hand for some reason. She did and demetri looked at her like she just touched him inappropriately. He was so confused.
" What are you doing" he asked.
" Just holding your hand" she said so confidently. Demetri pulled it away causing the confidence to leave y/n.
" Y/n do you have a crush on me" he asked.
Y/n got embarrassed and ran out of the room accidentally running into hawk in the process.
" Are you okay" he asked concerned.
She didn't reply she just kept running to her room. Hawk looked at demetri confused. demetri looked confused.
" Okay what just happened" he asked.
Demetri just shrugged so hawk wouldn't know find out that his little sister has a crush on him.
Later on demetri texted y/n to apologize for upsetting her and hawk can't find out about the crush.
Y/n just chucked her phone on the floor
Hawk sat in his room concerned and confused about what happened while he was ordering pizza. He was really concerned about his sister's behavior. She keeps misbehaving and being rude to people now somethings happened with demetri. He desperately needs to know what's wrong with her and he needs to know what happened between her and demetri.

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