Chapter 19: The Blind Banker: pt 3

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(Stopping in that doorway, he wiggles about, his eyes still fixed on Sir William's office, then turns and goes into the office and heads to the other side of the desk. Standing directly behind the chair of whoever works in that room, he sees that he has a clear view of the top of the painting and the new yellow slash across the portrait's eyes. He dances sideways across the room before coming back to his previous position, confirming that this is the only place on the trading floor from where the damaged portrait can be seen. Looking around the room for some identification, he eventually goes to the door where two signs are attached to the outside, one showing that this is the office of the Hong Kong Desk Head, and the sign above it giving the name of that person - Edward Van Coon. He slides the top sign out of its holder and heads off, taking hold of Nikki's hand as he passed her.)


(Not long afterward, Sherlock is leading John and Nikki back toward the escalators.)

John: Two trips around the world this month. You didn't ask his secretary; you said that just to irritate him.

(Sherlock smiles but doesn't respond.)

John: How did you know?

Nikki: Did you see his watch?

(Brief flashback to Sherlock and Nikki looking at Sebastian's wrist while he scratched his neck.)

John: His watch?

Sherlock: The time was right but the date was wrong. Said two days ago. Crossed the dateline twice but he didn't alter it.

John: Within a month? How'd you get that part?

Sherlock: New Breitling.

(Flashback close-up on the watch showing its brand name: Breitling Chronometre Crosswind.)

Nikki: Only came out this February.

John: Okay. So d'you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer?

Sherlock: Got everything I need to know already, thanks.

John: Hmm?

Sherlock: That graffiti was a message for someone at the bank working on the trading floors. We find the intended recipient and ...

(He deliberately trails off, allowing John to finish the sentence.)

John: ... they'll lead us to the person who sent it.

Nikki/Sherlock: Obvious.

John: Well, there are three hundred people up there. Who was it meant for?

Sherlock: Pillars.

John: What?

Sherlock: Pillars and the screens. Very few places you can see that graffiti from. That narrows the field considerably. And of course, the message was left at eleven thirty-four last night. That tells us a lot.

John: Does it?

(Sherlock continues talking as he, John, and Nikki go through the revolving doors and out onto the street.)

Sherlock: Traders come to work at all hours. Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night. That message was intended for someone who came in at midnight.

(He holds up the name card to show John and Nikki.)

Sherlock: Not many Van Coons in the phonebook.

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