Chapter 45: The Great Game: pt 15

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(Flashback, the train rockets through the area that John was recently investigating. The combination of the curve and the jolting of the train as it passes over the points throws Westie's body off the roof and onto the trackside.)

JOHN: And points.

SHERLOCK: Exactly.

(And the Tube guard walks along the track and finds Westie's body the next morning.)

(John walks across the room, Sherlock still standing by the window with Nikki standing next to her mate glaring at Joe.)

John: D'you still have it, then? The memory stick?

(Joe nods.)

Nikki (in a sickly sweet voice): Fetch it for us - if you wouldn't mind.

(Sighing unhappily, Joe stands up and walks into another room. Sherlock walks closer to John.)

Sherlock (quietly, but Nikki could still hear him): Distraction over, the game continues.

John: Well, maybe that's over, too. We've heard nothing from the bomber.

Sherlock: Five pips, remember, John? It's a countdown. We've only had four.


(NIGHT TIME. 221B. Nikki, Sherlock and John are in their coats because the windows still haven't been replaced. Sherlock is sitting in his armchair with his feet up on the seat and his arms folded tightly around him, trying to conserve heat, Nikki sitting on the unoccupied armrest trying to keep her mate warm. The pink phone is on the other armrest of the chair. Behind him, John is sitting at the dining table, typing on his laptop. The TV is on and a Jerry Springer/Jeremy Kyle-type show is playing. As the audience boos noisily, Sherlock yells indignantly at the telly, causing Nikki to laugh at her mates antics.)

SHERLOCK: No, no, no! Of course he's not the boy's father! (he gestures at the screen.) Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!

)  Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!

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(Sighing, he folds his arms again. John, who has looked round to see what Sherlock is protesting about, gets back to his typing.)

John: Knew it was dangerous.

Sherlock: Hmm?

Nikki: Getting you into crap telly.

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