Chapter 43: The Great Game: pt 13

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(Mycroft places his phone number down on the table near where Nikki slept. Rebekah smiled at the man as she showed him the way out. After Mycroft left, Rebekah took a seat across from her sister and watched her. When Nikki called her saying that she needed her assistance Rebekah was tempted to not help. The young female Mikaelson was mad that her sister and best friend had left. But now Rebekah was happy that she had come to London, for she had just met her mate.)


(PLANETARIUM. Professor Cairns is alone in the planetarium's theatre. As Gustav Holst's "Mars" plays over the sound system, she is standing at the mixing desk in front of a huge screen and watching footage of a film which is played to visitors. Other than the light coming from the screen, the room is in darkness.)

Narrator (over the footage): Jupiter, the fifth planet in our solar system and the largest. Jupiter is a gas giant. Planet Earth would fit into it eleven times.

Cairns (bored): Yes, we know that.

(She stops the recording and fast-forwards it for a moment because starting the playback again.)

Narrator: Titan is the largest moon.

Cairns (fast-forwarding again): Come on, Neptune, where're you hiding?

(Behind her, a hand pushes open the door to the theatre. A moment later, just as Cairns starts the playback again, the door bangs shut. She looks round.)

Narrator: Many are actually long dead ...

(Cairns peers up to the projection room.)

Cairns: Tom? Is that you?

Narrator: ... exploded into supernovas.

(She turns back to the desk. Behind her a long arm reaches out towards her.)

Narrator: ... discovered by Urbain Le Verrier in 1846.

(A tall figure steps up behind Cairns and clamps one hand over her mouth and nose, pulling her backwards.)

Cairns (muffled): Oh my God!

(She claws at the hand, crying out in muffled panic, and her other hand flails out and drags several of the sliders down the mixing desk. The footage begins to jump randomly as Cairns' attacker continues to suffocate her.)

Narrator: ... composed mainly of hydrogen. Their light takes so long to reach us ...

(Sherlock and John race into the theatre through another door. As John stops and aims his pistol towards the attacker, Sherlock yells at the top of his voice.)

Sherlock: Golem!

Sherlock: Golem!

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