❀Portal Room Whispers❀

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𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚟:

I was alone in the Auspicious Boone base as Momboo had gone on a walk and gods knows where Rae, Ghosty, Athena, Jamie and Orchid were. It's almost like they just disappeared to another dimension. But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did.

I decided to go and look through the books that Rae had collected from all the mysterious libraries that were scattered around the place.

No one knew how these libraries got to where they stand. Some are linked to temples, some are in caves, some are in the open. At first, I thought that they were just ruins of libraries from the past. However, Rae did an experiment where he destroyed a book and it appeared in one of the many libraries he came across. So, now I have no idea about where the libraries really came from. Although, one thing that we do know is that they aren't the overworld. Rae said that all the libraries he's come across have had a grey aura.

When I had finished looking through all the books, I decided to check on the potion supply. However, I was stopped in my tracks when Lucenare suddenly appeared in front of me. They didn't say anything, all they did was motion for me to follow them, which I did.

We ended up heading to the stronghold. Why? I had no idea.

Luce ended up leading me through the stronghold until we reached the portal room.

"Why did you want me to follow you here?" I questioned, when we finally came to a stop. Although, instead of getting a response, they disappeared.

I waited for a few minutes just in case they ended up reappearing but they didn't. So I decided to leave.

Just as I was walking out of the portal room, I heard a strange whisper flow through my ears.

"Stay masked one" the strangest whisper kept repeating as I continued walking. After a little bit, I started to grow annoyed at the mysterious voice, so I decided to listen to what it wanted and headed back to the portal room.

I stayed in the portal room and just sat on the ground. I was half expecting something to happen but at the same time, I thought this whole thing was stupid. So stupid to the point where I almost got up to leave multiple times.

Something about the mysterious whisper that I heard intrigued me in a way, but I couldn't work out what.

Was this the reason Lucenare made me follow them here?

Who knows...

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