Chapter 1 Magical Forest

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Elvis was lying on the ground, unconscious. He was in the most beautiful forest anyone had ever seen, with the sweetest flowers and most gorgeous mountains and streams. He opened his eyes. A girl was standing over him, staring. "Ah!" he yelped as he sat up and scooted back. "Oh, Elvis Presley, you're alive!" She cheered. "You scared me, honey," he said, trying to catch his breath. "Oh, I'm very sorry," she said, helping him up. "I'm Ash," the girl said. She was a fairy, she looked about 19 or 20, she had brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and green eyes. "Nice to meet you," Elvis shook her hand. "This is so exciting!" She clapped her hands, "I've always wanted to meet you!" She looked like she wanted to explode. Elvis laughed.

He stopped laughing as he looked around, "Uhh, hmm." "W-what's wrong?" Ash's smile slowly faded. "Where am I...and, uh, are you a fairy or something?" Confusion was visible on his face, as he noticed her wings. "Ohh. Hm. How do I start," she mumbled. "You're on another planet right now-" "WHAT!?" His eyes were wide with shock. "Hey, calm down, big boy," she chuckled. Elvis gave her the dead stare. He was not amused. "Uh, but, yeah. I am a fairy. Like my wings?" She giggled, fluttering her wings. "You're not real," he crossed his arms, "I'm just dreaming." "Uhh, no. No, you're not," she scratched the back of her head. "Yes. Yes, I am. I'll show you," he slapped himself in the face. "Nope. Not dreaming," he put his hand on his sore cheek. Ash burst out laughing. He glared at her. She stopped, "Oops." "Am I anywhere near Earth?" Elvis asked. "Oh, no," she flicked her wrist, "You're a long way from Earth, rock star!" Elvis had never heard anyone call him 'rock star' before. He kinda liked it. "If you're really a fairy," he began, "do you have fairy dust?" "Right here," She showed him the little pink bag that was attached to her belt with her bow and arrow. "Look!" She blew some in his face. He coughed and wiped his eyes. "Sorry!" she giggled. "'Sorry!'" Elvis mocked her in a high voice, trying not to get too mad. "I can also do this!" Ash formed a ball of fire with her hands and blasted it at the tree behind him. He ducked. He turned around and saw that the tree now had a heart-shaped cut out right in the middle. "Wow," Elvis was really impressed. "This is a weird place," he sighed, looking around. "I still kinda think I'm dreaming."

"Would you like me to show you around?" She offered. "Um, sure," he said. "Alright! Ready to fly?" She asked. "Uhh, fly?" "Yeah! C'mon you'll love it!" Before he could say anything else, she grabbed his hand and took off. "Uhhh," Elvis started to get nervous from looking down. "Don't look down!" Ash said. Elvis kept his eyes on all the majestic clouds. "Hey, Ash, is there a name for this place?" He asked. "We call it Dragonhaven," she said, "Y'know, you're actually the first human to know about this place!" "This has got to be some weird dream," he thought, "Weirdest dream I ever had." Soon, they landed on a beach. Ash stood infront of a small wooden cottage, decorated with fairy lights, flowers, and vines. "Ta-da! This is my home! I built it myself," she put her hands on her hips, proudly. "You're a pretty good builder," Elvis was impressed by how beautifully she decorated it. "Why thank you! C'mon in!" He followed her as she skipped up the deck to the front door. "Guests first," Ash held the door for him.

The inside was so small and cozy. There was a fire place and a lot of flowers. She had a record player in the corner with some of Elvis' records and some newspapers. "What ya think?" Ash asked, smiling. "Cute," Elvis said, looking around. "But, if this is another do you know about me and my music?" She bit her lip, "Well, sometimes, villagers of Dragonhaven go to Earth disguised as humans and bring back cool stuff like that." "Oh," he said. "Pfft, she's gotta be making this up. I'm probably going crazy or something..." "Hey, Elvis..?" She waved her hand in front of his face to get him to snap out of his daze. "Sorry, I was just uhh..." "What's happening to me!?" He started to worry. "I just wanna go home." "Why don't I make us some tea," Ash offered. "Oh, yeah, that'd be good," Elvis rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. She nodded. Elvis sat down on the couch, and looked through the records. "How? I can't be on another planet, there's just no way! Fairies don't exist. What if I don't exist?" He started to sweat. "Tea's ready!" Ash smiled. "That was fast," Elvis got up and went to the table. "Mm! This is the best tea I've ever had," He said. "My mother's recipe," She handed him a little piece of paper with the recipe on it. It seemed pretty normal, even though it called for some fairy dust. But, wait..WHAT? Worm's blood? Elvis gagged and choked a little bit. "Uh-oh! Are you okay?" She gasped. His cheeks went a little green. "Y-you put worm's blood in this?" He coughed. "Uh, yeah...?" It was normal to Ash. "Humans don't drink worm's blood?" She was confused. Elvis made a face. " don't drink worm's blood. Oops," She giggled.

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