Chapter 4 The Dark Castle

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It was late at night. Ratchet, in his dragon form, flew Rose, Elvis, and Ash to the queen's castle. It looked scary and grim. Some guards stood outside the door. They tried to sneak past the guards, but they seized them. Rose started distracting the guards by starting a conversation with them. "What are you doing?" Elvis whispered to her. She winked at him. "Oh," he nodded, quietly taking out his sword and he slashed their heads off, blood going everywhere. It was weird how the door was unlocked, almost like she wanted them to come in. They went in. It was a dark room with just a little light. There was a screen on the wall. "Why, hello, little idiots," the queen said on the screen. "Have you come to defeat me?" "Yes. And we will," Ash said, sternly.

"Aw, how cute! You have confidence," Zariah said, mockingly. "It's not gonna be as easy as you think, kiddos. I have set traps that you will not possibly be able to survive!" She laughed. "Oh, by the way. Are you glad I brought you to this planet, Elvis Presley?" "What are you talking about?" Elvis asked. "Well, I had my minions bring you to this pathetic wasteland! It's going to be where you die! Good luck. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed like a maniac as the screen turned off. There was a wooden door. Rose opened the it and went in. The room was so dark she couldn't see where she was going. She slipped on the slippery stairs and fell all the way down. "AAAAAAH!!!" She screamed. "Rose!" Elvis went after her and fell down as well. Then Ratchet and Ash fell down the stairs and the next thing they knew, they were in deep water. It had to have been at least 100 feet deep or even more. Rose was completely fine, being a mermaid and all. But Ratchet couldn't swim, "I think I'm gonna drown!" He started kicking to stay afloat, but the more he kicked, the farther he went down. Rose pulled him up, "Hold on to me," she said. "The water's swirling!" Ash panicked. There was a huge drain at the bottom that was sucking in the water. "It's gonna suck us in!" Elvis screamed. They were sucked in with the water. They fell to the ground. The drain that they had fallen through was on the ceiling.

The floor started to open up and they screamed as they backed up into a corner to avoid falling into the huge hole. All the water poured into the hole and the floor closed back up. "What? Where are we?" Ratchet asked. "I don't know. Let's look around for a way to get out," Ash said. Elvis found a door. They went through the door and went into the room. The room had razors gliding up and down the floor. There were also little holes in the floor that looked like they were there just so your foot would get stuck. "Okay. Let's try not to die," Elvis laughed, nervously. It wasn't much of a challenge for Ash; she could just fly over the razors. Rose wasn't really paying attention and she caught her foot in the hole. She was trying to pull it out, but it was stuck pretty good. She looked over her shoulder and saw a razor coming at her. "ROSE!" Elvis screamed, yanking her out with all his might. She fell on top of him. "Oh, thank you for saving me," she sighed in relief. "You're kinda smashing me right now," Elvis said. "Whoops! Sorry," Rose got off of him. "That's alright." "Hey, a button!" Ratchet smiled, "Maybe this can turn the razors off!" He pushed the red button and they fell through the floor. They landed on another floor. "Ow!" Elvis had landed on his face and now his nose was bleeding. "This looks like a nice place!" Rose immediately started looking around. They were in a cozy room that had decent lighting and nice furniture. Elvis found a box of tissues on the coffee table to use for his bloody nose. Ratchet sat down on the couch. "Let's watch some TV," he said, grabbing the remote and turning the television on. Zariah appeared on the screen. Ratchet blew a raspberry. "I hate this show!" He joked. "Well, hello, Elvis," she said, ignoring Ratchet's remark. "Did you miss my pretty face?" She got real close to the screen. "Zariah, you might not want to get so close to the camera. You got some bats in the cave," Elvis and everyone else laughed except for Zariah. They were all laughing hysterically.

"ARE YOU QUITE FINISHED!?" She screamed at them and they stopped laughing. "Well, enjoy your break because it ain't gonna last long!" Zariah laughed. "What do you mean?" Ash asked. "I'm not gonna bore you with all the details, but basically you're all just gonna die in this nice little room. ADIOS LOSERS! AHAHAHAHA!" The screen turned off. "Do you smell that?" Elvis asked Rose. "Yeah. It smells," "It smells like gas, dummy!" Ash started to get hysterical as poisonous gas filled the room. "There's no door!" Elvis panicked. They were all gagging and coughing up blood. "Yep! We're gonna..we're..gonna die," Ash fainted from the fumes. "There's a vent!" Rose pointed to a vent above the couch. She climbed up and pried the vent off with her bare hands. Ratchet picked up Ash and they crawled through it. They had escaped. Ratchet laid Ash down on the ground. "She looks pale," Rose worried. Elvis checked her pulse, "She's alive." Ratchet tried mouth to mouth. Ash woke up and pulled Ratchet into a big kiss. Ratchet blushed and backed up. Rose and Elvis looked at each other with a smirk on their faces. They all sighed in relief when she sat up. "Uh, how do you feel?" Ratchet asked. "I feel a little dizzy," Ash chuckled, rubbing her head. The room they were in had very little light. A strange figure approached them and whacked them in the heads with a baseball bat. They were knocked out.

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