Chapter 13 Gladys

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They climbed through the vents and made it to another strange room. There was mysterious fog all around and creepy music. "Mm," Ash moaned, waking up, "Where are we?" "No clue," Rose said. "Elvis," a woman's voice cooed. It was Gladys' voice. "M-M-Mama?" Elvis gasped. "Did you miss me?" Her voice slurred. "Mama, where are you?" "Right here," She giggled creepily, as she tapped Elvis' shoulder, making him jump. "It's a ghost," Rose whispered, trembling and holding Ash tight. "I see you have friends," Gladys grinned. Rose and Ash were too frightened to say anything, they just stared at her. "W-what are you doing here?" Elvis asked, "Tell me who shot you." "I'm sorry...I can't tell you that," she said, "All I know is that you're going to die and be with me."

Elvis buried his face in his hands and started to cry. "Don't cry, honey," Gladys touched his hair, "Satnin knows best..." She whispered as she disappeared. Rose put Ash down and put her arms around Elvis, "Are you alright?" "I miss her," Elvis sniffled. All of a sudden, the ground started to shake. "Ready to join me?" Gladys pointed a gun at Elvis. "Don't kill him!" Rose cried, shielding Elvis from any harm. She was willing to take a bullet for him. Gladys pushed Rose over. "SATNIN KNOWS BEST!" She shot him in the knees so that he couldn't run. "AAAAAH!!" Elvis fell to the ground. "UGH!" Rose gathered up all her strength and picked Elvis up. "C'mon, Ash!" Rose said, running away with Elvis. Ash flew and zipped right past them.

"There's a supply closet," Ash pointed out, "Maybe there's something in there we could use to help him." She opened the door. Rose walked in and laid Elvis down on the table. She found some tweezers and removed the bullets. Elvis groaned in pain as the bullets were being removed. "I'm sorry, baby boy," Rose whispered. Ash rapped a bandage around Elvis' legs. "Can you walk?" Rose asked, helping him up off the table. "Kinda," Elvis said, "Not very fast." Since Elvis now has dragon wings, he can just hover around if he can't use his legs. They walked out of the supply closet, back into the hallway. "Ooh! Goody," Zariah said on a speaker, "You're getting closer to my throne room where we will have the ultimate battle! Let me tell you kids, I've had armies come and try to defeat me! No one can defeat me!" "It's worth a try," Ash said, "Dragonhaven is our home and you're destroying it! We won't let you win. We won't let you destroy Earth either or any planet for that matter!" "Hmm, let's see," Zariah said, "I have defeated armies and now I'm being threatened by a little Earth boy with dragon powers, a puny fairy, and a mermaid. HAHAHAHA! That's funny!" 

"Pfft. Whatever," Rose said, "Let's just go." "Onto the next hell hole!" Elvis laughed, sarcastically. Rose tried to cover a laugh. Elvis' sarcastic humor was amusing. Ash read the map, "We gotta keep going straight. I'll let you know when the next turn is." "I wonder if we're going to die," Rose thought out loud. "Oh, that sure makes me feel better, honey," Elvis rolled his eyes. "Sorry." "If anyone's sorry it's me...Sorry that I agreed to come on this stupid mission," Elvis clenched his fist. "You didn't have to," Rose glared, "You could've just stayed there and let Dragonhaven be destroyed." "Okay, I wouldn't have cared! I have nothing to live for now because Mama's dead!" "Don't you care about us?" Ash asked. "Yes," Elvis sighed. Rose turned her head and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't mean to yell," Elvis said. "It's fine, baby bo," Rose patted him on the head. 

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