Chapter 18 Fairy Dust

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Ash stared at the monster. She tried to be as intimidating as possible. The monster stared back at her and looked even scarier. "UGH!" Ash formed a fist and hurled a huge ball of fire at the monster. The monster opened its huge mouth and ate the fireball. "W-WHAT!?" She cried out in shock. "Ash, use your fairy dust!" Ratchet's voice played in her head. "It doesn't do anything!" Ash whined. The monster started to corner her. Time was running out! The monster licked its lips, getting ready to devour her. "Okay, time's running out...I'm gonna give it all I got," she opened her little bag of fairy dust and threw it up in the air. The fairy dust formed a huge tornado of glitter and chased the monster. The monster tried to run, but the tornado caught up to it and swallowed the monster up. Ash held out her little bag and all the fairy dust flew back inside.

She went over to the door and tried to open it to set Elvis and Rose free. "Hey, guys, the door's locked. Can you open it from in there?" Ash asked. No response. "Oh no! Oh my gosh," she threw a ball of fire at the door, burning it down. She stepped inside. Elvis and Rose were sitting there kissing! "What the heck are you doing!?" Ash yelled. "Oh, hi, Ash," Rose smiled. "I thought you were dead! I burnt down the door for nothing! I had to fight a monster all by myself and you two were in here smooching the whole time!?" "Sorry," Elvis bowed his head. "Oh, will you shut up," she sputtered.


They had made it safely out of the room. The next room however, was not going to be easy. "Spiders!" Rose screamed. "Woah! Cool!" Ash smiled. "No, not cool!" Elvis cried, "These look like poisonous ones!" There were big, hairy spiders all over the walls. They were about as big as Ash and they had sharp fangs. "Nope. I'm out," Rose turned around and was about to walk away. Elvis grabbed her arm, "There's no other way out," he said. "I have an idea!" Ash said, "We can eat- Wait, no...bad idea." "Do you usually eat spiders?" Elvis asked. "Not the poisonous ones," Ash replied. 

A spider jumped onto Rose! "EEEEEEEK!!!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs, "GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!" "Hold still!" Elvis yelled. He took out his sword and stabbed the spider, its green-coloured blood splattering on the wall and the floor. Ash tried to fly past the spiders and make it to the other door, but they kept jumping on her. Elvis tried to burn them with his fire powers but they could eat fire! "This is just like that monster situation," Ash moaned, trying to get free from the spiders. Elvis ran around the room, spiders chasing him and pouncing on top of him. Rose was stabbing them with her trident, their filthy blood going everywhere. Ash managed to open her bag of fairy dust. POOF! A powerful breeze of glitter picked up the spiders and devoured them. "All gone," Ash giggled. "That was disgusting!" Rose was all shaken up and grossed out. "Thanks, Ash," Elvis smiled warmly. "Yeah, I might as well just do everything around here," she rolled her eyes. "There's the door," Rose walked over to it, "There's no door knob." There was a number pad on the wall. "Gosh dang it," Rose sighed, "We have to guess the code. There must be a clue somewhere." "Do you remember that other code from when we first got here?" Elvis asked. "Let's see," Rose tried to remember, "It was 98...uh..9827." She typed it in. An alarm went off and a red light flashed. Zariah said on the speaker, "You got it wrong! Now you have to get it right before I release the toxic gas!" 

"Wait! I have an idea," Ash said, "Maybe it's backward! 7289." She typed it in. The alarm stopped and the door opened. "You're lucky I made that easy for you," Zariah said, "But our battle won't be easy at all. I don't know what makes you think you guys can defeat me!" "Just you wait and see," Elvis threatened, "We're gonna get you, you snake!" Ash led the way, "Onto the next room. We're getting closer. I just know we're gonna win!" Rose wasn't very sure, though. "Well, we've come this far," she sighed, "I guess there's no point in giving up." 

Elvis of DragonhavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora