Chapter 11 Idiot

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Elvis and his friends were walking through another hallway. "Look," Ash picked up an old piece of paper that was on the floor, "It's a map!" "Awesome!" Rose said, "This will make it a lot easier to find her." "Hmm, I think she wants us to find her," Elvis said. "Well, right now we're here...We're not that far from the throne room!" Ash said. They walked a little more and turned left like the map said. They went into a room. "This place looks a little weird," Elvis said. The door shut behind them by itself. The room was big and mysterious looking, with mirrors all over the walls. Zariah was standing on a tall pillar that was right in the middle of the room. "Hello, children," she laughed. Zariah was about 8 feet tall with red eyes and long, poofy white hair, and an evil smile. "What do you want, you bum?" Ash growled. "Nothing," she smiled, "I'm just here to watch Rose destroy Elvis." "W-what!?" Elvis gasped. 

The man in the lab coat snuck up behind them and jabbed the needle into Rose's arm. "OW!" Rose screamed, falling on her knees. Elvis and Ash watched in horror. Zariah and the man were laughing. Then the man disappeared again. Rose screamed and grunted as her mouth started to overflow with purple foam and her eyes turned bright red. She stood up and pulled out her trident. "HAHAHA! YES! NOW YOU MUST KILL ELVIS, LITTLE ROSIE!" Zariah laughed. "With pleasure, my queen," Rose grinned. "Rose. Please don't," Elvis begged, backing up into a corner. "Idiot," Rose said, giving her trident a lick, "Time to die, handsome." "NO!" Ash screamed, punching Rose in the face. Zariah stepped down from her pillar and grabbed Ash by the throat. "S-stop!" Ash struggled to break free from her grip.

"You're coming with me," Zariah growled, as she disappeared with Ash. "NO! ASH!" Elvis cried. "AHAHAHAHA!" Rose laughed, wickedly, as she chased Elvis around the room. "Good Rosie," Zariah said through a speaker, "You've almost got him! I wanted to kill him myself, but I think I like the idea of his woman killing him! Yes. HA! A love story gone wrong! AHAHAHA!" "Whatever you want, your highness," Rose giggled. "Rose, I love you! I know you're better than this!" Elvis pleaded, still running. "Why don't you put up a good fight, idiot?" Rose growled, "I wanna have some real fun!" "I know the real Rose is in there somewhere," Elvis said, "Just focus." "SHUT UP!" Rose screamed, throwing her trident.

It pierced him in the heart, blood gushing out as he fell to the ground dead. "HAHAHAHA! YOU'VE DONE IT! GOOD JOB!" Zariah laughed. At that moment, Rose snapped out of it. Her mouth stopped foaming and her eyes went back to normal. "Oh no," Rose gasped, "W-what have I done!?" She rushed over to him, "Elvis...? I-I..I'm so sorry, Elvis." She pulled her bloody trident out of him, "Why do I even exist?" She wept, "All I-I've ever done was just m-mess everything up!" She stroked his hair as her tears fell onto his lifeless body, "I love you...Elvis. I'm so sorry." 

Elvis of DragonhavenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang