Chapter 3 Battle Plan

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"I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I didn't have anyone to help me," Ash said, "But I think we should go over to Zariah's castle at night and kill her in her sleep. Then we can take one of her ships and go to Earth with Elvis!" "Wait what?" Elvis gasped. "Ooh! How exciting," Rose said, "I've always wanted to see Earth!" "What do we have for weapons?" Ash asked. "Well, I have a trident," Rose said. Ash had a bow and arrow, but Elvis didn't seem to have anything. "We'll have to get him something," Ash said to Rose. All of a sudden a snake came along. Elvis and Rose jumped. Ash bent down to look at it. It hissed at her and she jumped back. Something was odd about the way the snake looked. It just didn't look like a real snake. It slithered away into a bush nearby. "Weird," Ash shrugged it off.  Then, Rose's face lit up with an idea and she snapped her fingers, "Stay right there, Elvis, I got just the thing for you!" Rose leaped into the water. She swam into a little cave that she called her home and took out a big sword that she had collected a while ago. She went back to the surface in her human form. "Sir Elvis," she giggled, "I present you with this sword." "Wow! That's the biggest sword I've ever seen," Elvis gasped. "You're gonna need it," Rose nodded.

~A couple minutes later~

 "Y'know, Elvis," Ash began. "What?" Elvis asked. "I don't think a sword and shield will be enough for you," she bit her lip in thought. "What do you mean?" "I mean maybe you should have some powers." "Ooh, yes! That could help him a lot," Rose nodded in agreement. Ash took hold of Elvis' hands. "What are you doing?" He asked nervously. "This shouldn't hurt a bit," Rose assured him. Ash transferred some of her power through Elvis' veins and into his blood. It felt burning hot, but somehow it didn't hurt. It stopped when she let go. Elvis opened his eyes and the two ladies were staring at with anticipation and excitement in their eyes. "Well? Did it work?" Rose asked. Elvis waved his arm around. A ball of fire started to form. "What do I do with it?" He asked, nervously. "I dunno, uh, throw it into the ocean," Ash pointed to the ocean. Elvis threw it as far as he could. "Wow," he said. Rose clapped her hands, "That was so cool!"

Loud foot steps started to approach them. It was a dragon! They acted fast and pulled out their weapons. "Woah! Calm down. I come in peace," the dragon said, with his front paws in the air. Ash wasn't as scared of dragons as Rose and Elvis were. She actually had a little dragon in her blood, because her father was half dragon and half fairy, making Ash a bit stronger and more powerful than most fairies. The dragon transformed into a human. In his human form, he was about the same height as Elvis, he had dark skin, bright amber eyes, long black hair, a beautiful smile that lit up his whole face, and a muscular body that made him look like he could be a football player. "Hi, I'm Ratchet," he said, shaking Ash's hand. Ash blushed; She liked him. Ratchet had a deep, velvety voice like Elvis's only he had a northern Dragonhaven accent. A northern Dargonhaven accent sounds a lot like Cockney. "I'm Ash and this is Rose and Elvis." "Elvis? Elvis Presley! How did he get here?" Ratchet was so excited to see Elvis.

"He was abducted," said Rose. "By who?" He asked. "We don't know yet." "Well, I overheard you guys talking about saving the planet. Are you actually gonna do it?" Ratchet seemed interested. He hoped someone would finally stand up to that wicked queen. "Well, we'll try," Elvis shrugged. "You wanna help us? We could really use you," Ash offered. "I'd be honored!" He smiled. "Okay here's what we're gonna do," she began, "Let's sneak into her tower at night and when she's asleep we'll kill her." "Uh, do you think it's gonna be that easy?" Elvis asked. "I don't know, but it's worth a try," she smiled. The way Ash smiled so confidently was assuring. So they decided to do it her way. "That snake looks almost like it's watching us," Ratchet pointed to that same snake they had seen a while ago. "Ah, it's just a snake," Rose flicked her wrist. Little did they know that that snake was no snake at all. It was a camera. Queen Zariah was watching them from her tower. She laughed coldly, "These little idiots really think they can just come in here and kill me? It's gonna be a lot harder than that!" People had tried to defeat her in the past, but no one had ever survived all the traps to finally make it to her. She was too powerful and evil. Would Elvis and his new friends be able to defeat the queen?

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