Chapter 15 Return of Ratchet

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"Dad, no! Please don't leave!" 13-year-old Rose clung to her father. "Let me go, Rose. You're old enough to take care of yourself," her father snapped. "But I don't want you to go! Mom's dead and I'll be all alone if you leave, too," she started to cry. Her father gave her a little kiss on the forehead and wiped her eyes, "Good bye, sweetie," he swam up to the surface and was never seen again. "DADDY! COME BACK! DON'T YOU STILL LOVE ME?" Rose sobbed.

"NO!! DAD!" Rose woke up from that horrible memory. She looked around in the room she was in. It was a small, cozy room with nothing but a small couch and a lamp. "Did you have a little nightmare?" Zariah chuckled. "You," Rose growled. Zariah knew Rose's nightmare; she was the one who gave it to her. Zariah somehow had this strange power . Rose turned around, "W-where are you?" "I'm everywhere," she said, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. There was no door or vent in the room. There was no way to escape. "How am I gonna get out of here?" Rose whispered to herself under her breath. "Figure it out, idiot," Zariah laughed. "I AIN'T NO IDIOT," Rose picked up the lamp, in rage, and smashed it on the ground. Rose hated being called an idiot, because that was what her father always said to her.


Ash was in a bright room, made of crystal. The room was so bright that all Ash could see was just pure white. She was sitting on the ground in her deep thoughts. A million things rushed through her mind. She wondered what happened to Rose and Elvis. She wondered about Gladys' ghost and why it appeared in the castle. She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a hand tap her on the head. She looked up, "R-Ratchet..?" Ratchet's angel was standing right in front of her, his big feathery wings spread out, a halo above his head that shone like a star, his long hair flowing majestically, and that adorable smile that lit up his whole face. "Hello, Ash," he said, softly, as he kneeled down to make eye contact with her. He looked so beautiful as an angel. Ash's eyes filled with big tears, "I've missed you," she hugged him tightly. "I've missed you too," he kissed her. "Will you stay forever?" She asked. Ratchet wiped a tear from Ash's face and wrapped his soft angel wings around her, "You'll only be able to see me for a short time, but I've never left you...I'm always with you and I'll help you as much as I can. Don't ever give up, I'll always be right there, cheering you on." Ratchet closed his eyes and a flame shot out of his soul and rushed into Ash's. A rush of power zoomed through her veins, making her stronger than she had ever been before. "You can do this," Ratchet smiled, encouragingly, "I believe in you." "I'll make you proud, darling," Ash nodded. "I've always been proud of you," Ratchet reached out his big hand and held Ash's tiny hands. "Will you help me find Rose and Elvis?" Ash asked. "Come on," Ratchet said, leading her through a wall. Since Ratchet was now a spirit, he could walk through walls easily. 

Elvis was running down the hallway, when he saw Ratchet and Ash. Ratchet's angel was glowing like a light in the dark hallway. Elvis gasped and tripped, falling at Ratchet's feet. "Hi, Elvis," Ratchet chuckled. Elvis was shocked and too frightened to move. He had never seen an angel before. Ratchet helped him up and gave him a hug. The look on Elvis' face was priceless! He was so confused. "H-how? H-how are y-you here?" Elvis asked, his voice trembling. "Zariah can't get rid of me completely," Ratchet laughed, "She has no power to destroy angels." "I'm so happy to see you," Elvis smiled, tears pouring down his face, "We missed you so much." "I know. I've missed you too," Ratchet smiled, ruffling Elvis' hair. "I have a new power," Elvis said, "I'm part dragon." "Thanks to me," Ratchet grinned. "Wait what?" Ash was confused. "I knew Zariah was going to try to kill you with the dragon venom, so I just kinda fiddled around with it, mixed it with some other stuff... and look at you now!" Ratchet explained. Elvis was amazed, "Wow...Thank you so much," he hugged him. "Anything for a friend," Ratchet hugged him back. "Where's Rose?" Ratchet asked, "I'd like to see her." Elvis sighed, "I-I don't know..." 

Elvis of DragonhavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora