Chapter 26 Hallelujah

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~A couple hours later~

Ash, Rose, and Ratchet sat on the bench outside the operation room, waiting to see if Elvis would be okay. A female doctor came out, "He's awake," she said, "He's lost a lot of blood and we had to stitch him up. He's very weak right now." Rose stood up, "Can we see him?" "Of course," she replied, opening the door for them. Ash got up and slowly walked towards the door. She looked at Ratchet who was sitting there with his head in his hands, looking sad. "You coming?" She asked. Ratchet shook his head, "No...he won't wanna see me... it's my fault this happened to him."

Ash clicked her tongue, not knowing what to say. She went in to see Elvis. Rose turned around and looked at Ratchet. "Won't you please come in?" She asked him. He looked down at the floor, not saying anything. Rose sighed, walking into the room, closing the door. She sat down beside Elvis. "How are you feeling, baby boy?" She rubbed his head. Elvis had stitches in his chest, he looked pretty beat up. "Oh, darling...we're alive" he sighed in relief, "I'm so glad to be alive."

"I have great news, Elvis," Ash said happily, "Ratchet's been revived!" Elvis's blue eyes lit up with joy, he sat up straight, "Where is he? I wanna see him!" Rose smacked her lips, "He's, uh, waiting outside the door. He can't bring himself to see you...he says that it's his fault you got hurt so bad." "I really wanna see him again," Elvis said. Rose leaned in and kissed him. Ash opened the door and she and Rose walked out. "He says he wants to see you," Rose smiled to Ratchet, "Why don't you go talk to him?"

Ratchet stood up. He cleared his throat and walked in, closing the door behind him. Elvis was sitting up in bed, with a huge bright smile on his face, "Ratchet!" Elvis leaned forward and was about to get out of bed. "D-don't get up," Ratchet put his hand up. "Come sit down," Elvis patted the edge of the bed. Ratchet slowly walked over and sat down. Elvis suddenly hugged him, "I'm so happy you're alive!" "E-even though I almost killed you?" Ratchet gulped.

"That doesn't matter," Elvis smiled, "What matters is that we're all alive and together." Ratchet hesitantly hugged back, a little worried that he might hurt Elvis again. "Thanks for saving us," Elvis said. Ratchet bit his lip, trying to hold it in, but the tears spilled out anyway, "I-'m so sorry, Elvis, I didn't mean to hurt you." Elvis stopped hugging and looked into his eyes, "Don't cry, Ratchet," he gently wiped Ratchet's cheeks with his thumb, "You didn't do nothing wrong." "I-I can't help it," Ratchet sniffled, "I just feel so bad...I never wanted to hurt anyone." He hugged Elvis tight. "Ratchet, if it weren't for you, Zariah might've killed us all...You're a hero," Elvis smiled, patting his back. "I feel like I've abused you...I took control over you..W-what if I had killed you?" He stopped hugging and looked away. "Don't worry about that. You did the right thing," Elvis smiled softly, "So no more crying about it, okay?" Ratchet nodded and rubbed his eyes.


Rose carried Elvis up the stairs into a huge room at the very top of the castle. It was like a garage. "Well, here's where most of the ships went," Rose looked around at all the space ships. They looked like cars. "Wow...flying cars," Elvis gasped. Rose smiled, gently putting him in the car. "Good bye, Rose, Elvis," Ash sighed. "It's not good bye," Rose smiled, "It's just see ya later." "Yeah," Ash smiled softly. "We'll miss you," Ratchet said. "You guys promise to come home for Christmas," Elvis smiled. "We'll be there," Ash chuckled. Ratchet and Ash said goodbye one last time as Rose started up the car "Alright, baby boy, let's get ya home," Rose smiled. The garage door opened. The car started hovering. "Woah!" Elvis gasped. "Hold onto your head! Here we go!" Rose laughed, slamming on the gas.

They were off! "WOOOH!!" Elvis laughed, being pushed back into his seat, feeling the wind rush through his hair. "Oh! I just can't wait to see Earth!" Rose squealed. "Yeah," Elvis thought for a moment, "Daddy must be worried sick." "At least your dad cares about you...mine never did," Rose rubbed the back of her neck.

Elvis looked sad, "Will you tell me about what happened? It kinda scared me a little when you just randomly attacked Pearl..and that incident with your dad." Rose cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, baby boy. That was a side of me I was hoping you would never see...I have abandonment issues...and I hated myself for it."

She sighed and began to tell Elvis the whole story, "Mom died when I was born and for as long as I can remember, my dad hated me and always blamed me for her death. He drank and he would beat me until I could hardly move a muscle. One time, when I was 12, there was a sea monster trying to attack our dad saw this as a chance to get rid of me so he left me there to fight for myself. I managed to kill the monster with that same trident. A year later, my dad just decided that I was big enough to take care of myself..and he left me for good."

Rose looked at Elvis. He sniffled and wiped his eyes, "That's terrible!" "Oh, c'mon, baby boy. If you cry, I'm gonna fall apart too," she laughed, flicking a tear from her cheek. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me," she blushed, holding his hand, steering with her other hand, "I didn't know what love was until I met you." "I love you so much, darling," Elvis leaned in and kissed her passionately. "You changed me...for the longest time I hated myself, but if an amazing man like you can love me...then maybe I can love me too," she smiled, blushing, "Through all this I've learned that I can't escape myself..but I can escape the person I used to be."

"And that...I don't have to pretend to be happy anymore," she continued, "Because now I really am!" "Darling," Elvis cleared his throat, "Will you marry me?" Rose let out a little gasp and blushed harder, "I'd love to!"

This was a new beginning, a new life, a chance to start again. A new, righteous queen that will treat Dragonhaven with justice, a new heart burning with love, a new place to call home, a blinding light penetrating the dark. The mission had been completed, the suffering was over, a new life beginning, filled with wonder and excitement. Music from Dragonhaven could be heard from miles away, the whole world celebrating the new queen. Elvis smiled softly, "I love you, darling..and I always will."

The End

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