Chapter 24 Stone Shattering

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"Well, well, well," Zariah sighed, "I see you've survived all my traps...I must say, I am impressed; no one has ever made it this far. However, I am the most powerful being in Dragonhaven and the idea of you three little musketeers wanting to destroy me absolutely makes me laugh! HAHAHA!" Ash glared at her, with an intimidating expression on her face. Zariah snapped her fingers and a dark purple crystal with a red aura glowing around it appeared in her hand. "I hold the crystal of corruption," she grinned, her evil red eyes dazzled, "I will use it to destroy Dragonhaven and take control over the whole universe! AHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"You won't get away with this," Elvis growled. "Oh yes, I will," she grinned, taking out a huge obsidian sword. She slashed her sword around, a massive shock wave emitted from it, striking Elvis down. "Elvis!" Rose rushed over and helped him up. "I'll defend you, Elvis," Ash charged at Zariah, with her sword in her hand. "RAAH!" Ash grunted, her sword clashing with Zariah's. Elvis ran toward Zariah and joined in the fight. He stabbed her arm with his sword. "That all you got?" Zariah chuckled. "Try me," Elvis glared. Rose was in deep thought, sweating nervously, "I have to find a way to destroy that crystal...but how?" Rose suddenly gasped, snapping out of her thoughts as Elvis groaned in pain loudly.

"Darling!" Elvis cried out. Zariah was holding him by the throat with one hand, choking him. Elvis gagged and coughed up a little blood. In her other hand, she held the crystal. Ash had the same idea as Rose; to destroy the crystal of corruption. Ash jumped onto Zariah's head, trying to take the crystal from her. "Let Elvis go!!" Rose screamed at Zariah, slashing her trident, shock waves pounding the atmosphere. Zariah violently launched Elvis at the wall. Ash fluttered over to Rose, "Help me take her down," she said. Rose nodded; she knew what to do. Ash held up her sword, Rose held up her trident and their weapons collided, a huge power shock erupted from their weapons. "OOF!" Zariah fell down.

She quickly got up and dusted herself off, "Idiots," she scoffed. Elvis leaped into the air, he grunted and growled, changing into his half-dragon form. His wings spread out, his fangs dripped blood, his eyes turned bright red and dragon-like. He roared, hurling a ball of fire from his mouth at Zariah. She dodged it, "Oh, I see," she snarled, "You wanna play with fire? Let's fight fire with fire!" She balled her fist, her hand becoming like a flaming mass, she punched him in the face.

Her flaming punch created such a big blow. Elvis lay on the ground, wheezing and feeling his sore cheek. Zariah twirled around, she rose up into the air, a dark aura surrounded her. She curled her fingers, summoning the stone from Ash's sword. "NO!!" Ash cried, struggling to keep a grip on the precious stone. Zariah sharply clenched her fist, causing the stone to shatter. "Say goodbye to sweet little Ratchet! AHAHAHAHA!!" She laughed wickedly.

Ash wanted to cry, but she wasn't going to appear weak in the middle of the battle, she was too determined and strong for that. She formed a shield of fire around herself, flying up into the air. Sword in hand, she quickly tried to jab Zariah in the throat. Zariah spun around, dodging the attack, "HA!" She struck Ash with her sword. "AAAAAH!!" Ash screamed in pain, being cut in her side, blood dripping, tears starting to run down her face. She panted, forming her hand into a ball of fire, she punched Zariah in the stomach as hard as she could. "UGH!!" Zariah fell to the ground.

Rose swiftly rushed over and pinned Zariah to the ground with her foot, getting ready to stab her with her trident. "Go ahead, stab me," Zariah said. "With pleasure," Rose smirked. She raised her trident in the air, and forcefully plunged it into Zariah's chest. Lighting shot out of her chest, slamming Rose to the ground with a massive blow. "OW!!!" Rose screamed.

"What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger," Zariah laughed, rising up into the air, her eyes glowing white. She grabbed Ash and threw her at the wall. Elvis grunted, standing up, he rapidly twirled up into the air. "RAAAH!!" He threw his arms out, fire coming right toward Zariah. She reached her hand out, absorbing the flames into her veins. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!" She laughed, as a huge mass of lightningshot out from her chest. "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" Elvis screamed, falling to ground.

"Face it, Elvis," Zariah grinned, "You and your friends are weak...Why don't you just give up now and let me kill you?" Elvis looked up at her, tears going down his face, "Do it. I-I wanna be with my M-Mama." "Elvis, no!!" Rose cried, "That's what she wants!! Don't let her get in your head!!" "I-'m weak...I can't do this," he put his face in his hands, sobbing silently. Rose didn't know what to do; neither did Ash. Zariah held the crystal up, it glowed a bright purple, a black aura started to come over the world. Dragonhaven's atmosphere rapidly started to change and become scary and unpleasant. "Oh no," Ash was hyperventilating, "The corruption is starting... We've failed!"

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