Chapter 14 Laughing Gas

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As they were still walking, three women dressed in black outfits and hoods that covered their faces came up behind them. One of them tapped Elvis on the shoulder. He jumped in shock and turned around. Rose and Ash quickly turned around to see what made Elvis jump. "Hello, handsome," the woman slowly put a knife to his throat. "We're gonna have a cute guy for dinner tonight, girls," She giggled. "Fine. Go on," Elvis closed his eyes, ready to be cut to pieces. "You're just gonna let them kill you?" Rose gasped. "Why not," Elvis sighed. "Hey, this isn't very fun," the second woman said, "It would be fun if he was all scared!" "Well, whatever, we need to eat," the woman with the knife said, about to kill him. Ash punched the woman in the face, making her nose bleed. The woman was a lot bigger and stronger than Ash and she slammed her into a wall, knocking her out. Rose was getting furious. She wasn't going to let them kill Elvis. "Sorry I'm not sorry," she growled, pushing Elvis out of the way and punching the woman in the stomach, making her drop the knife. Rose picked up the knife and stabbed her three times, shouting, "LEAVE MY BABY BOY ALONE!!" The second woman picked Rose up and threw her at the wall. The third woman set a bomb on the floor that released some kind of laughing gas. "I'm coming home, Mama," Elvis moaned, thinking he was gonna die. Rose gagged and threw up some clear, runny vomit.

Elvis and Rose woke up and found themselves in a room that looked like a doctor's office, but dark and creepy. The door had a lock on it. "There's gotta be a key somewhere," Rose looked around. She looked on the shelves under the desk and in the cabinets. "Aren't you gonna help me look?" She asked Elvis. "No," Elvis replied, shortly. "What? Why not?" Rose tried not to get angry with him. "'Cause I don't want to," Elvis crossed his arms. "You can't give up now!" Rose protested, "We got a planet to save!" "I don't care," Elvis turned his back to her. "Oh, you jerk!" She spanked him with a broken chair leg. "Ow," Elvis put his hands on his bottom. Rose gave him a dirty look. "Fine, I'll help you look," Elvis walked around the room, trying to not let Rose see him crying. Rose stopped and stared at him, "Dang it, I've made him cry. Humans are so complicated." "Elvis," she sighed. "I'm not talking," he turned up his nose and kept looking for the key. "Please," Rose scooted over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and pushed her away, angrily. "Hey, why so moody?" Rose chuckled, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Leave me alone, will you," he snapped. "Well, fine, have it your way," Rose said, in a snooty tone. The tone Rose used was so comical that it made Elvis smile a little, but he wasn't ready to forgive her yet. While Rose was still looking for the key on the other side of the room, the floor dropped out from under her. "AAAAAH!!" She screamed. "ROSE!!" Elvis cried.

"No! Gosh darn it!" Elvis went into tantrum mode, picking up a chair and throwing it at the wall, smashing it to bits. He sat down on the examining table and cried into his hands, "I wish I knew what happened to Mama. I wish I could save this planet...but I feel so tired and weak...I just wanna go home." All of a sudden, something clicked, "It all makes sense now," he gasped, "Zariah must've killed my Mama. Why else would her ghost have appeared in this castle?" He turned his head and noticed something sparkling on top of a big shelf. The key! Elvis climbed up the big shelf, making it wobble. He grabbed the key and jumped off, just as the shelf collapsed. He unlocked the door, "I'm coming for you, Zariah! But first I gotta find Rose and Ash."

"Good luck with that, pretty boy~..." 

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