
799 38 10

Charlotte Elena Vogelman

As I sat on the ground, leaning against the bureau, I thought back on what just happened.  Dave was angry again, but this time, it was difficult to figure out why.  I could still smell the whiskey on his breath when he had cornered me, grabbing my arm and throwing me against the wall. 

He must have been too drunk to understand that it was me.  But who was I kidding...he knew it was me.  He was yelling my name every other minute, telling me I ruined his life in one way or another.  David was a different man when he was drinking, I wish he was sober enough to see that.  

I thought about calling my brothers and telling them about what had happened, but I then thought rationally about what Dave would do if he found out I told...or what my brothers would think - their best friend hitting their sister.  

It killed me inside to know that I could never sum up the courage to tell anyone about David and his alcohol problem.  I couldn't even tell my own parents.  

I remember when Dave drank responsibly - when he actually gave a fuck about me.  That was over a year ago.  He used to buy me little gifts, or left me little text messages at night, but now, he barely even looked my way.  The only time that he did stop to say something to me was to insult me or to order me about.  But I could never walk away from him.  Never.  I wasn't about to give up on David...I don't think I could ever give up on David.  

(Hey guys! Tell me what y'alls think!)

I Am A Monster (David Escamilla A.U.) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now