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(In regards to the pictures I'm putting in this chapter:  I SWEAR I'M NOT CREEPY)




"What do you mean you're pregnant?" David growled, cornering me and boxing me in with his arms, a hand on either side of me. I trembled, fear replacing my once confident composure.

"I'm pregnant, David...I just took a pregnancy test, and it says I'm pregnant."

David growled, his eyes flashing. "There's no fucking way you're keeping it."

"What are you talking about?" I snapped, holding my abdomen, as if grasping at my completely undeveloped fetus would protect me from David's rage.

"I said: you're not keeping the fucking baby, Charlotte." David leaned into me, his breath hitting my face. "Do you understand now?"

"You don't get to make the decision!" I shouted, trying to push past him, but David grabbed my arm, shoving me back against the wall. My back hit the corner and I felt myself lose my breath.

"Yes I do." David snarled, getting so close to me that his forehead was touching mine. His eyes were dark with rage and I felt myself wish I could shrink in on myself. "Especially when it comes to a fucking baby, Charlie! Are you crazy? A fucking baby? Jesus Christ, you can barely take care of yourself, let alone a child!"

His words stung and I bit my lip, tears shining in my eyes.

"I...I want to keep it..." I said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him. I could feel David shake with rage. I could also feel the heat resonating off his body, just proving his fury.

"Oh, you want to keep it?" David sneered. I once again tried to escape his trap, but he shoved me back with more force than last time. "You want to fucking keep it? You won't be getting any help from me with it. You won't even have a place to be. If you keep it, you're on your own kid."

I looked up at him in disbelief. "You...you would kick me out?" I whispered, becoming more and more weak with my defenses.

"Yeah, Charlie, I would kick you out." David growled. "How can you be so selfish? You're willing to sacrifice all we have for a fucking baby? You wouldn't even know what to do with a baby, Charlie!"

I felt my stomach drop to my toes. He was right. David was always right. How could I be so stupid? How could I not see? I'm not fit to raise a child. I can't even take care of myself.

I gave a tentative nod. "O-okay." I whimpered. "I'll go to the clinic tomorrow."

David looked relaxed and he smiled at me, leaning down to kiss me. "Thank you, sweetie. You know this is better for us, right? It's all for the better."

When I nodded, David smiled again and kissed me harder, bringing his arms from the walls to wrap around me in an embrace. That was the first time I had David control what I did with my body, but it certainly wasn't the last.

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I Am A Monster (David Escamilla A.U.) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now