Chapter 11 - You Won't Believe What I Just Saw!

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All the posts in this story are works of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. The pictures used within this story are for visual representation only. The author of this book does not state or implied that the actions written in this story are representative of the actual people.


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Keon keeps running past his townhouse and darts towards Chadrick's house. Banging on the door, Chadrick's mother opens the door and digs into Keon's behind.


Trina (Chadrick's Mother): BOY! YOU LOSE YOUR MIND?

Keon: [trying to catch his breath] ... I'm sorry ... Mrs. Edison, but ... is Chadrick ... is he home!

Trina: [looking up and down at Keon as he leans against her door jam] ... He just went to Food Lion for me. He should be back in fifteen minutes or so. [starts to close the door on Keon]

... He got a phone you know.

Keon: [chuckles] ... You right, sorry again for banging on the door. [turns and runs back through the parking lot]

Trina: Damn crazy ass boy. [shuts the door as she shakes her head]


Keon runs over to his townhouse, grabs his electric bicycle, and rides over to the Food Lion. He was hoping to catch Chadrick before he started walking back because this news he had to tell was too important and shocking to hold onto. There was no way Keon couldn't tell Chadrick – plus that was no way that he could tell Curtis.

Riding as fast as he could on that electric bike he asked his grandmother for, Keon was darting on and out the sidewalk and in and out of traffic. He almost got hit by a car and a city bus.


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