Chapter 13 - We Ain't Really Related So ...

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All the posts in this story are works of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. The pictures used within this story are for visual representation only. The author of this book does not state or implied that the actions written in this story are representative of the actual people.


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After Jharrell and Mercedes (Curtis' sister) had another argument, so he went to see his fall back spot.


Tyson: Why y'all always fighting over some dumb shit. Y'all just like my brother and your sister.

Jharrell: No we not. [walks into Tyson's kitchen]

... Glad you not working today.

Tyson: Why?

Jharrell: You know.

Tyson: [sucking his teeth] ... That was a mistake.

Jharrell: And all them other times?

Tyson: I was drunk, or lonely, or something else.

Jharrell: [chuckles] ... Or you just wanted to suck some dick.

Tyson: Maybe, but what's your excuse?

Jharrell: You love sucking dick and I got one that loves getting sucked ... so why not?

Tyson: Cause we not supposed to be doing not nunna that. We uncles to Imani so we're relate by her.

Jharrell: Not really, but okay. You still did it. [shrugging his shoulders]

Tyson: Yeah, but it can't happen again.




So Tyson and Jharrell's "I was drunk" or "I was horny" story goes back to when Tyson's brother David got caught with enough weed to catch a case. The police officer allowed David to call Tyson so that he'd avoid getting child endangerment added to his charges. Tyson was worried that Imani would get taken away by the state; he called Jharrell to come over and watch Imani while he tried to help his brother out.

When Tyson came home frustrated, Jharrell brought Imani back home to her mother. This was the first time Tyson tried weed and he didn't handle it well. Drunk, high, and already worried about stuff he couldn't control. Jharrell stepped up and showed Tyson his caring for others side. Tyson broke down.

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