Chapter Fifteen~Inferior

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Sophie met me outside of Everglen, at midnight, her brown eyes shimmering in the faint moonlight.

Why does she get to have those beautiful brown eyes while I'm left with stupid teal ones? The symbol of the annoying Vacker Legacy Dad forced upon me when I was little. I know I shouldn't be jealous of her, but how could I not? I once was the most beautiful girl in the school, until she came around and stole the show. With her bright, wavy, blonde hair and wide caramel eyes. She made all the boys drool, I was a shadow to Sophie's bright light. If I was a princess, Sophie was the queen. If I was a mansion, Sophie would be a castle. And if-okay, you get the idea.

Moral of the story, I was a rock in Sophie's forest. No one ever noticed a rock. Unless you're a rock yourself. Hence, Dex.

Okay, that was really rude, "Sorry Dex. I didn't mean it I just-"

"Huh?" Sophie asked me.

"Nothing, sorry." Whoops, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Suddenly, a loud ringing sound echoed in Sophie's pocket.

She answered it quickly. It was Keefe.

"Hey, Keefe," She she said, and gave the imparter a stern look, like she was trying to tell Keefe something without words. I gave her a suspicious look.

"Hey, babe. You at Biana's house yet? You told me you'd call when you got there."

Babe?! I mouthed to Sophie. She looked at me but didn't respond.

"Yep," She paused, "I'm here. And Biana's right here too, actually!" She said forcefully.

"Oh? Ohhhh, oh. Umm, I was just saying babe because... Um... Because..."

"ARE YOU GUYS DATING?!" I squealed.

Sophie sighed, "Yes, we are." Keefe nodded.

"Sorry, Fos-Boss, I didn't know Biana was right there," He said apolitically.

"It's fine, babe. As long as she doesn't tell anyone yet," Sophie narrowed her eyes at me and I nodded hastily.

"YOU GUYS ARE SOOOOO CUTE THOUGH!" I started to squeal again, as Fitz calls it, 'fan-girl screaming.' What does that even mean?

Sophie face-palmed and Keefe just smirked, "I gotta go love, see you tomorrow at Havenfield?" Sophie asked him.

"See you then, angel." Sophie hung up on Keefe and I stared at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were dating? You're my best friend."

Sophie suddenly look down and started to kick at some loose dirt, "Look, Biana... I... I don't know. It's just... You were always so busy, talking about Tam and Dex and what not. And well, you never asked about my life. Or who I was dating. Which is fine, but... I don't know, I just-"

"You're right," I cut her off, "You're totally right. I've been so caught up with Tam and Dex, I didn't even care to ask about your life. I just gave you a bunch of word vomit and you took it like the amazing friend you are. You weren't even mad at me for it. While I on the other hand, am a constant jerk to Dex-"

"I bet you're not a jerk," She interrupted.

"Nope, I'm a jerk. And I just... I'm usually so confident, you know? Pretty sure of myself. Sure that I'm pretty, funny, kind, whatever. But now... Now I just... I don't know. It feels like my confidence was kind of shaken. And now I'm just..." I searched for the right word.

"Scared?" Sophie suggested, looking up at me with her perfect little brown eyes.

"Yeah. That."

Then Sophie did something I didn't think she would do. She smiled. And then she hugged me, "I love you Biana. And you're my best friend. You mean so much to me, and I wish you just told me what was really going on."

"I love you too, Sophie," I squeezed her tightly, "And I should have asked about your life, or about what you were going through. Sorry I've been so selfish lately. And, well, kind of boy crazy too."

"Kind of?" Sophie laughed. I giggled. 

"I guess I deserved that," I admitted. She smiled.

"And also, how are you dating Keefe if he's you know... Hiding out from the Neverseen?"

"Oh, I was able to track him down pretty quickly, turns out my teleporting can actually locate people. We talked it out and I think it's safer if he stays there. So we're just dating long distance right now," Sophie explained.

My eyes widened, "How..." I trailed off, stunned.  

Sophie laughed, "A girl's gotta have her secrets. Okay, now let's go find Tam."

This chapter got me chanting, SOKEEFE, SOKEEFE, SOKEEFE!

Say it along with me!! 🤩

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