Chapter Twenty-Two~Keefe

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My breath caught in my throat. That was Keefe. Hiding in some secret passage behind the walls, Too clumsy to not reeazlise that a piece of his navy blue cloak was sitting out from the wall.

She hadn't looked over here yet. And I had maybe five seconds to make my choice, either tell her where Keefe was, and risk the lives of thousands. Or leave the room quickly, and Biana... No. The choice was clear. Biana comes first.

"There," I whispered, "Behind that wall. You can see some of his cloak sticking out," I said hollowly. I watched a the cloak started to shift, and Keefe desperately tried to get it free but couldn't.

"Perfect," She licked her lips. I wanted to throw up. Again.

"Thanks for your help tough boy," She said, walking up the wall. There was a loose brick sticking out of it, and she pushed it down hard. The wall opened up to reveal a trembling Keefe, looking at me in utter disbelief.

He stared at me in shock as the woman put his hands in chains. All of a sudden it looked like he was whispering something, sweat collected on his face.

"He's trying to numb her," I realized, but he had no effect. Whatever chains the woman put on him must have dulled his power, just like it dulled mine. That must be how Gisela is planning on controlling his power.

She grabbed Keefe and yanked him up, Keefe didn't say a word, only continued to look at me with pure shock. She used a path finder quickly and dragged her and Keefe into the light.

"Wait! What about me?" I cried.

She laughed, "We have no need for you anymore! Good luck trying to get to back home without me!"

Then she disappeared into the glittering light.

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