Chapter Seventeen~Tears

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The problem is, Tam never really told us where he was in that leaf letter. The only thing we know is that he was at a forest near Exillium, but he could have been anywhere in that forest. It would take weeks, maybe even months to search a whole forest. And Tam definitely didn't have weeks, let alone days.

With every passing minute I grew more worried. What if he was being tortured? What if he was kidnapped? What if an animal attacked him? What if he's hurt? What if he's... No. No.

NO. NO, NO, NO, NO. Oh, please, no, please, for the love of anything good in this world, please no no no.

"Biana? You alright?" Sophie asked. I nodded slowly, not trusting my voice to speak.

"Okay, you ready to teleport to Exillium?" She asked, taking my hand. I nodded again. Sophie gave my a worried look. A pitying look.

I was beginning to understand why Keefe hated it so much.

A second later, we blinked into the void.

We land on a rough patch of dirt, face first, and I felt a sharp pain on my cheek.

"Ouch," I winced.

"Oh no, Biana! I'm sooooo sorry!" She said worriedly, dragging out the word so.

"It's fine," I reassured her, pressing my hand to my cheek. It wasn't bleeding, thankfully.

"I think it's just a scratch, but it's hard to tell in the middle of the night," Sophie concluded.

"Yeah," I said hollowly.

"You alright, Biana. Like, mentally I mean."

"Of course I'm not alright!" I snapped, "The only guy I've ever truly loved is in danger! And he could be-" I stopped myself immediately once I realized what I had said, and I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Biana... Did you just say what I think you said?"

Well, there was no point in denying it to Sophie-or myself-any longer.

"Yeah. I... I love Tam. I really, really, love him. And thinking that makes me feel terrible and stupid cause I'm literally dating Dex and I just-" I buried my head in my hands, and soon enough my palms were wet.

"Biana! No, don't cry!" Sophie wrapped my in a hug, "You're not a horrible person, I'm sure Dex will understand," She reassured me. I sank into her warm hug and continued to cry-against my will.

Finally I mumbled, "I didn't mean to start crying," I sniffed, wiping my nose with my long purple sleeve.

Sophie laughed sadly, her eyes had glimmers of tears in the corners, "Believe me Biana, you have every right to cry."

I laughed with her, and wiped my tear stained face, which was beginning to sting from the salt.

"Okay," I took a deep, shaky breath in, "Let's enter that forest."

I don't rly know what to say about this chapter except,,

POOR BIANA! She's gotta deal with Neverseen, dating, the guy she loves being in danger, school, battles, full-blown war, geez! 😭😭

Also, I don't ask you guys enough questions about yourselves, huh? So... Um what is everyone's fav color? Ik that's super basic but whatever lol.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! <333

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ