Extraction and Report

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Hydra Base
Eastern Europe. 12:02

Today the avengers "normal" day considered it to start off by raiding a secret hydra base that was still being in operation in Eastern Europe.

The base was far more technologically advanced than the other bases they have raised so far indicating that their target, The scepter,  was here. Along with other weapons that hydra stole from SHIELD and chitauri.

Thor was on the ground taking out the heavy artillery with hulk while Steve, Clint and Nat were taking out the infantry of hydra. Max was up in the air with tony trying to figure out a way to break through

"I can absorb it Tony."

"No time kid, the city is taking fire and we know Strucker doesn't care about civilian casualties. I need you over there shielding them"

Max glowing body was a massive target on him that many artillery cannons were being fired at him but missed and shooting towards the civilians home.

He nodded as he flew back to the city and floated up as he saw Tony iron legion on the ground keeping the citizens away.

A blue energy shot was coming towards the legion and the citizens as Max held up his hand and out of nowhere came a golden shield made of cosmic energy.

The blue collided with yellow as it only made a buzzing noise.

[This quadrant is unsafe Please back away]

[This quadrant is unsafe Please back away]

[This quadrant is unsafe Please back away]

[This quadrant is unsafe Please back away]

[We are here to help]

[We are here to help]

[We are here to help]

[We are here to help]

The robotic sound of their voice sounded through out the ground as the citizens of this small town looked at them and then up at max while shouting.

They were clamoring as they kept pointing at the legion and at BlackStar. Some people were shouting as one threw a acid bottle melting a legion face mask. Others just stood there listening and looking.

"Tony I don't think they want us here" Max said through the comms as He blocked more incoming fire power from the battle that was taking place.

"Come back kid the jaw bridge is down."

"You do know I'm older than you right?"

"I need to SEE it to  believe it and currently I see you as someone in their 20s" Tony smirked as he blasted through the building.

"We're locked down out here"

"Then get to banner. Time for a lullaby" Steve spoke through the comms as he headed inside the building looking for Strucker

Max took out some more bunkers that were further down the hill as he saw Thor fly by above him with Clint. He decided to go to tony as he was taking a long time just to catch one stick.

Landing on the concrete that was the entrance to the first floor he entered as a man suddenly came into his view.

"Steve I found the enhanced."

"Yeah well looks there's a second one, Female. Do not engage"

"Yeah well kinda to late for that" Max spoke through the comms as the man suddenly appeared in front of him as he threw a punch but surprisingly for the boy, Max caught it.

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