Aftermath of Ultron

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"Wanda. Are you okay? You haven't come out of your room in 4 days." Nat said on the other side of door  where Wanda was on her bed, curled up with the tv on.

No response was heard back as Nat sigh, "Well if you need anything the team is here for you" and with that she walked off as Wanda blew out her nose on a napkin while cleaning her eyes with the end of her sleeve.

4 days had passed since pietro died to ultron. The team moved up to a new "house" as Wanda quickly shut herself in while shutting herself off from the team, especially from max as it pained her but she needed time alone and the team knew that as well.

Wanda stayed in her room like that in the past 4 days and only came out when she knew the team was out. It was past 12 as she knew mostly the team would be asleep or in their rooms as she headed out for her room and entered the kitchen.

She grabbed a cold drink from the fridge and opened the microwave to find food wrapped in plastic with a note.


PS: This was made by max so beware]

Wanda chuckled lightly as she knew Max would occasionally cook and he was pretty good considering that's what she ate almost every night. She heated it up and quickly left the kitchen and entered her room as the tv was playing the Brady bunch.

Minutes passed as she barely touched the food and sat on her bed while watching with small tears escaping her eyes as she could not for some reason get that image of her brother out.

"Uh Wanda, I know your up, I heard the microwave like 5 minutes ago..." Max knocked and said through the door as he didn't get a response.

"Look...I know your still mourning about your brother death but you have to know that I'm here for you....The team is here for you, so please don't try to drown in your sorrow"

Wanda looked at the door as she heard Max thoughts of her well-being. She closed her eyes as she tight lip herself. Max was about to go back to his room but before he could, he heard the lock click.

He put his hand on the handle and slowly opened the door as he entered and saw Wanda on the bed, eyes red with the tv on.

He closed the door as he sat on the edge of the bed with something in his hands

"Thank you, I know you want to be alone-"

"No...I really need my...friend right now" she said while looking at the square gift.

"What's that?"

"This is..." Max started to unwrap as it was a picture frame holding a picture of Wanda sleeping on the quinjet, with Pietro and Max by her side laughing. He gave it to her as she took it and looked at it

She smiled. "This?"

"This was taken when we told each other where we could talk and comfort each other." Max said as he gave Wanda a small smile and took a long look at it. She placed it on the table beside her, facing her as she looked at max and noticed the necklace with 2 rings on it.

"This is my grandparents wedding rings, I guess you could say this was my mother last gift to me and my sister." Max told her as she was looking at it.

"Never really got the chance to tell you on the jet as we were to busy flirting" He chuckled as he started to take it off while Wanda quickly shook her head but Max told her it was fine.

"It's beautiful" She held the necklace in her hands as she inspected the rings.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for the right girl to give these to" Max said as he put them back on his neck "So enough about me, what about you? How are you feeling?"

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