Safe House and Seoul.

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All of the avengers were in the Quinjet, after the "fight" Tony had with the hulk, they left and were headed towards someplace they did not know because Clint was flying the jet to a place.

Tony ended a call with Maria Hill as he walked over to Clint and asked if he wanted to switch

"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out."

"A few hours from where?" Tony questioned

"A safe house." Clint smiled as he thought about meeting his family.

Tony only nodded as he went back to check on the team "Hey you okay Max?" Tony used his name indicating that he was serious and not joking. Max only nodded as he was sitting on a chair near the wall with his head hanging down.

The team was silent through the journey, Bruce and Nat were sitting down being as silent as possible while Thor and Steve were standing up and looking through the glass thinking about something.

The Quinjet lands outside a large farmhouse and they all exited out of the jet with Clint helping Nat walk.

"What is this place?"

"A safe house?"

"Let's hope." Clint was the first one to enter as he opened the door with the team following behind "Honey, I'm home."

The team looked at him as a women heavily pregnant, walks in from the kitchen.

"Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."

"Hey." The pregnant female spoke as she saw all of them side by side

The women kissed Barton as the team made an "ohh" face "This is an agent of some kind." Tony tried to make this seem like a professional work place

"Gentleman, this is Laura." Clint introduces his wife to the team

"I know all your names." She chuckled as they all look at her awkwardly. Little footsteps where heard as they came closer

"Ooh, incoming."Barton children came running as they hugged their father. They exchanged greetings as everyone looked surprised.

Tony tells to the others as they watch with surprise "These are...smaller agents."

Clint spent a little more time engaging with his children as the team just stood there and tried to process what was going on today.

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve politely said with him being the soldier.

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Tony looked at Clint as he only smiled

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low."

The family kept interacting by themself as the children seemly knew who was Natasha. Max chuckled a little but once he heard the conversion of Nat and Clint's wife.

He accidentally stepped on some tiny blocks which broke the form they had. Max kicked them under the furniture as Barton daughter came up and stared at him from below.

Clint looked at max as he chuckled nervously while holding one of his finger up as an idea came to mind. He put both hands behind him as he made a surprise face and showed his hands out in front holding a small yellow kitten.

It body was pure yellow as its eyes took a lighter color.

"Cosmic cat for my young lady." Barton daughter made an 'aww' sound as it jumped from max hands and onto her shoulder where it rubbed her face.

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