🍋Christmas 🍋

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December 24, 2016.

The Avengers compound was fairly decorated but not too much considering the building was fairly huge and it was far off from houses so it didn't matter if it was decorated.

The team surprisingly were all in the building, no missions or secret investigations today or tomorrow with them having no world threat.

Natasha and Wanda were talking with carol, who decided to stay here until New Year's Eve, while the rest of the team were sitting down around the table and playing black jack, Vision was the dealer for obvious reasons.

Bets were placed as Steve took a brick full of cash.

"You know for a soldier, I thought he would be the worst out of all us...but that's not the case anymore" Max said as he took a sip from his beer.

"Your just mad I'm better than you"

"I clearly had the closet to 21"

"Yes but you went over it, so technically it was a bust." Rhodey said putting down his bear and looking at his cards that were placed in front of him by vision.

"Your stories are a bust..." max mumbled out as the team 'ooo'

"Sore loser" Sam chuckled as the team laughed when seeing Max lose all his allowance pepper gave him each month.

The girls were on the couch talking about themselves while playing a game on the huge flat screen TV that tony invented one that could be holographic.

"I can not believe while I was captured you guys had a moment that I missed" Natasha said as she looked at the screen.

"I still can't believe he never told me"

"He wanted to, but he knew what you would do"

"And what's that?" Carol questioned as the game paused

"Your doing it right now"

"Oh...." Carol found out, she did travel across numerous light years to see him but that was when she got a message from her suit that Max was being damaged, but she will still do the same if max wasn't injure and just mentioned Wanda.

"Well, he's my only family member left and the one who has my back so of course I had to meet his girlfriend that he Soo desperately loves"

Wanda blushed a bit as she took her wine and drank a bit

"So how long are you waiting for?"

"Excuse me?"

"You have the rings that he never lets anyone touch, heck your wearing the necklace right now" Natasha looked at her with Carol as well

"Do-Do you think he's going to propose?"

"Wait how long are you guys dating for?"

"We dated near the end of May, so 6 months"

"Yeah that's to early"

Wanda looked down as she knew it was to early but these feelings were so strong to him that she didn't really see herself being lonely or divorced if they do decide to marry early because Max made it loud and clear that he thought about having kids with her.

"I mean, there are races out there that can date for one week and get married the next, the SilverNe are a race that marry once they find their true love partner."

"Yeah but that's in other planets, this is earth...but it doesn't matter" The girls looked at Wanda while wiggling their eye brows "Wanda has max told you he will love you forever?"

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