
52 0 0

November, 2015
Northern Canada.

"What's the situation Blackstar?" Cap said through his comms as he took out a soldier wearing an snow suit with his shield. Vision took care of the heavy artillery while Nat and Wanda were out in the snow taking out the infantry of this, possibly last operational Hydra base.

Sam and Rhode were in the air taking out towers and tracking enemies. The whole team was here as they got a tip off from fury that that one of their anonymous agents found rumlow transporting alien tech with shield tech.

Not a great combination for anyone who gets their hands on them or for this technology to be combined. Max was in the building as he was the heavy hitter on this team now that Bruce and Thor were gone.

He could demolish this building but that would kill the left over hydra agents that cap wanted to capture and like the good guy he is, let them alive in prison cells.

"Well boring, watch out, their using alien technology."


"Not quite, seems like they combined it with shield technology. Overall be careful." Max corrected Rhodey

"Be careful, bullets may not hurt you but I can't say the same for alien technology" Wanda took a breath and said as she started to invade the hydra soldiers mind.

"Yeah, remember that time I blasted you with a chitauri cannnon?" Nat asked, nobody could've seen her face due to taking out soldiers in the snow but everyone could somehow know a smirk coming on her lips.

"Did not go the way you expected it huh?" She added as Max dodged a laser blast "I know, but you live and learn"

Max shot out as he appeared in front of the hydra solider and took his head, smashing it against the metal door as it knocked him out.

"Easy peasy" He mumbled out as he looked at the metal door that connected to the middle of the building. He could've phased through it but he decided to do what cops do when they bust arm dealers.

He kicked it which sent the metal door flying back breaking a stone wall "All right Who-"

Max didn't get to finish as green laser beams shot out. Max quickly hid behind something as he touched the sizzling wound beside his cheek

"What the heck?" He mumbled out as the side of his face, his mask had a hole in it. "Huh, would you look at that, where did they get that kind of technology?"

Creating a shield, he moved foward as he phased through some shots and quickly knocked them out as he "unintentionally" cut off their arms holding the weapons.

"It won't matter as long as they can't handle it..."

Max started to walk out but before he could, metal footsteps were heard behind him as he turned around and saw a badly, ugly replica iron man suit.

"Well, I'm glad your still here Blackstar" Rumlow voice was heard through the mask as max pressed his ear "I found him, bringing him to you cap."

The four doors that led to this room quickly shut as a metallic door was in its placed that fell from above.

"Carbonex, virtually indestructible. Enough to withstand a nuclear bomb dead on"

"So what? Your plan was to trap you inside with me? Not the best plan you explained to your soldiers."

"Who said" The mask started to lift off as instead of rumlow, it was a random hydra agent with a voice recorder. "I was there too?"

The mask started to be placed back as max tried to communicate with the comms but all he heard was static "Dosent matter I bet I can beat that."

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