Party, Ultron and Twins

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It was night time as the Avengers tower upper floor was lit and with many people being there wearing suits, and dress as everyone was wearing some type of fancy clothing

Max was currently wearing a black button up shirt with black pants and shoes. His silver necklace dangled from his neck as he went forward a little bit to pick up a glass as his silver ring made a 'click' sound from encountering the glass filled with wine

His amazing green eyes reflected some of the artificial light, his skin was clear as she saw how that shirt was a little too tight on his body considering you could see-

"I thought you were interested in Thor" Helen jumped up as she got surprised when those words entered her ears. She turned to the side and looked at Tony who was holding a glass of whine.

"What do you mean by that Mr.Stark?"

"I'm not saying nothing I just wondered how you came to like Blackstar"

"L-like him? Max? Oh no stark, I just was...inspecting him because that necklace could fall in his whine cup....." Helen stammered a bit as she tried to save herself but failed miserably

"Uh huh, just so you know He hasn't seen anyone so I say give it a shot"

And with that tony left Helen in deep thoughts about he said. She couldn't do it after all she had her work on the cradle and their worlds were far to apart. One had to save the world everyone once in a while, while she had to save human lives.

Max was currently talking to 2 ladies in deep v neck dress as he was holding a glass of champagne and the 2 ladies as well, their laughs and giggles were shared by one another as they smiled through the conversation. Max Currently said something funny as the two girls laughed while slightly brushing their hand on his arm.

Outta nowhere Rhodey comes in and laughed as well. The two girls stopped laughing and chuckled nervously as Rhodney introduced himself as war machine and started to tell them a joke

"Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?" Rhodey told the girls a joke that he thought was funny. The two girls looked at him weirdly while Max covered his mouth and chuckled a bit

He said it again as the girls looked at him weirdly and made an excuse to leave. They left a dumbfounded Rhodey and an amused Max

"Don't sweat it man there's plenty of fish in the sea besides those girls don't deserve you if they think your unfunny " Max patted his back as he walked away and towards Tony and Thor

"Wait what?"

"Did he tell the joke?" Tony asked as Max nodded. They looked blankey at Rhodey from across the room as Rhodey shook his head and walked to another group of people

The trio see him making hand gestures that were apart of his story and saw the group of people laughing . Rhodey had a smile on his face as the Trio just shook their heads and looked away.


Later, most of the guests have left and it's just the Avengers plus Dr. Cho and Maria Hill sitting around Thor's hammer as it was placed on the table between all of them.

Max walked backed in from escorting the guest out as he heard all the avengers complaining about not lifting a hammer...Thors hammer

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Hill says

"You bet your ass." Clint points his drum sticks at her as Hill turned to Steve

"Steve, he said a bad language word."

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