1 - I'm Pregnant

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"Come on Diane, what does it say?" I asked pacing outside my apartment bathroom as she was inside. She opened the door and handed it to me. She walked over and sat on my bed.

"I can't read it, you read it." Diane Adler said handing me the pregnancy test she had just taken. I sighed and looked down. I looked back at Diane showing no expression.

"What are you feeling if it's positive?" I asked and she sighed and shrugged.

"I'm concerned about my mom...and Frank." Diane said.

"Don't worry about them, how would you feel?" I asked. Diane gave me a small smile.

"I would be happy. I mean I know it could be hard but I would get everything I have wanted and it's a family who will love me for me." Diane said and I smiled at her. I walked over and sat next to her wrapping her in a hug.

"I love you for you. You are the bestest friend I could have ever asked for even if you are super smart." I said and she laughed. I held up the test so she could see it.

"I'm pregnant." Diane said and attacked me in another hug.

"You're having a baby!" I said excited.

"I'm having a baby. Oh god...I'm having a baby." Diane said and started to slightly panic. I grabbed her hands.

"Hey, hey don't freak out. I got you. I'm here to help." I said and she smiled.

"Will you come with me to tell Frank and my mom?" Diane asked and I nodded.

Frank was Diane's brother. He was always so protective over her and me as well. I had known Diane for a few years now ever since I moved in next door to her in the apartment building we now lived. I had taken it upon myself once I met Diane and knew about how she was so smart and a math prodigy to make sure she also took care of herself.

I met Frank a week after moving in. He came over to check on Diane and was banging on her door to open up. It was 7am and I was highly annoyed. I went out to tell him she was in my apartment. We had crashed watching movies and eating pizza the night before. Frank seemed relaxed and that was where my friendship with Frank started.

"Of course I will Diane, who do you want to tell first?" I asked and she sighed.

"Frank." She answered quickly. I nodded.

"When?" I asked. She stood up and headed out the bedroom door and I quickly followed.

"Diane he is teaching right now." I said and she sighed.

"I know, can you drive us to campus?" She asked standing at my door holding the car keys. I sighed, got on my shoes and headed out the door taking my keys from her. I drove us to campus, and I could tell Diane was getting nervous. Once I parked, she didn't move.

"Go inside." I said and she sighed.

"He's in class." Diane stated, which is what I stated before we left so I rolled my eyes.

"So go wait in his office." I said.

"He doesn't have office hours today." Diane said and I groaned.

"Diane, you wanted to come and tell him. So go." I said. She didn't move so I sighed. "Okay, listen, go to his office. I will go to his room, wait for his class to be over and then tell him where you are. Does that work?" I asked, Diane smiled and nodded. We walked into the college, and she headed to his office. I sighed and headed to Franks Philosophy class he taught. I walked in quietly and sat in the back just waiting. I wasn't paying a bit of attention to the class until I heard Frank speak up.

"Okay I expect the report on my desk next week. If you have any questions, you know my office hours." Frank said and everyone left. I stayed sitting. Once all the students were gone, I noticed Franks back to me.

"Vienna, to what do I owe this...well I don't want to say pleasure..." Frank said and I huffed a laugh.

"You saw me come in?" I asked and he turned to see me and was smiling.

"You may have been stealth but not that stealth." Frank said and then he looked concerned. "Oh god is Diane okay?" Frank panicked. I got up and walked down the steps to him.

"She is in your office and wants to talk to you." I said and Frank nodded. He finished packing up and we headed out of the room.

"So, what do I need to prepare myself for?" Frank asked and I sighed.

"I can't tell you. Just leave it to Diane to explain in her own way and give her a chance to spit it out." I said and Frank groaned.

"Last time you two pulled this it was Diane saying thing this and I had to kick your boyfriend out of your apartment." Frank said and I just looked at him.

"But you did it because you love me." I said in a mocking tone, and he laughed.

"You think." He said and we laughed together. We finally got to his office and walked in. I saw Diane pacing.

"Okay, hey, calm down." I said and she stopped. She looked at Frank as he closed the door.

"I'm pregnant." Diane blurted out and Frank just stood there.

"Wow Diane...blurt it out." I said and shook my head. Frank just looked at us in shock.

"You're joking..." Frank finally said and Diane shook her head.

"I'm not, I'm pregnant." Diane said. Frank then looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me? It's not like its mine!" I said. Diane gave a small snicker and Frank looked back at her.

"So, you're really pregnant? Who's the father? I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Frank replied still in shock.

"Some deadbeat, that's not important. What's important is I'm pregnant." Diane said. Frank sighed, walked over to Diane and hugged her.

"Wow, Diane...you're going to be a mom..." Frank said in their hug.

"You're going to be an uncle." Diane said and Frank huffed a laugh.

"And Auntie Vienna." Diane said once her and Frank broke apart and she smiled at me.

"Now, there is just one more person to tell..." Diane trailed off and I groaned.

"Evelyn." I said in a low, annoyed tone.

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