14 - Challenge

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I was sitting on the couch the next day while Frank was grading some papers in the kitchen. There was a knock on the door, and I grabbed my crutches and hobbled to the door. I opened it to see a lady standing there who I was unsure who she was.

"Hello, you must be Vienna..." She said extending her hand and easily held on to one of my crutches and shook her hand.

"Sorry, I'm at a loss..." I said.

"Roberta?" I heard Frank ask coming up behind me and she smiled.

"Frank, so good to see you again." She said and he hugged her, and I just looked confused.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Can you please go sit? I don't want you up on that leg." Frank said and I groaned.

"My leg is fine, you heard the doctor say it was healing great yesterday." I said and Frank looked at Roberta.

"She will be more stubborn than Mary, as you can tell." Frank said and Roberta laughed, and I just sighed and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"What is going on?" I asked again as Frank and Roberta walked into the house.

"Roberta used to work at the college as a cleaning lady until recent layoffs and she post on the board she is looking for work. I knew with you being laid up and needing help with Mary and then housework getting lax since I'm working, and you can't do much, so Roberta was willing to coming in every day and help." Frank said.

"I won't be laid up forever Frank!" I said upset.

"No one said you would sweetie. I'm just here to help and once you are up and moving, able to do for yourself and little Mary then I won't be around as much unless I'm needed." Roberta spoke up and I sighed and just looked at Frank and then back to Roberta.

"We can't continue to ask Misses McClusky. She is like 105..." Frank said, and we both laughed and then Roberta smacked his arm.

"Be nice." Roberta said but gave a smile.

"So, you able to start tomorrow? I have an early class at 7:30." Frank said and Roberta nodded.

"I can be here at 6:45." Roberta said and I nodded.

"Sounds good. I will most likely still be sleeping and Mary will most likely be in with me since Frank feeds her in the morning and brings her to me." I said and Roberta nodded.

"Well since I will be here before you leave, you can just put her in the playpen, so I don't disturb Vienna." She said and I nodded knowing that could work and Frank agreed.

"Please call me Vee." I said with a smile.

"So...can I meet Mary?" Roberta asked and Frank nodded and smiled as he walked to get her from her room. Once he brought her in she reached for me and whimpered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"She just woke up from her nap, so she is cranky." Frank said and I smiled.

"I will give her to you in one second, these two have a bonding moment when Mary wakes up from a nap." Frank said handing her to me and Roberta smiled and nodded.

"I would never interrupt something they do." Roberta said as Mary placed her head on my shoulder, and I rubbed her back and just swayed slightly.

Diane did this for her from the minute she was born, and it was something Frank had tried but never worked. The days I was in my coma were the worst for him. Once she fully woke up, she looked around and looked at Roberta. She pointed and then reached for her.

"Well, she likes you already." I said as Robert came and took Mary.

Things were silent for a minute, and I knew I needed to ask the question, but I didn't know how to broach the subject.

"Roberta..." I said and she looked at me.

"Yeah?" She asked. I glanced at Frank and then back to Roberta.

"Since I'm still on the crutches and things are still difficult, would you be able to help me get in and out of the tub and everything?" I asked.

"Vee..." Frank sighed.

"Of course, I can sweetie." Roberta said and I smiled. I looked at Frank.

"I'm sorry Frank but we both know how uncomfortable you were last time." I said and he sighed.

"I was fine Vee. I told you I wanted to help you." Frank said.

"Right and helping me caused you severe discomfort. I think it will be better if Roberta doesn't mind to just help me." I said. Frank just sighed his head and then nodded.

"Fine, sounds good." Frank said and I just looked at him confused as to why this was affecting him so much. I sighed and grabbed my crutches.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked and I shook my head.

"I want to lay down and put my leg up. I need a pain pill too. I hope you don't mind Roberta?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Go rest sweetie." Roberta said.

"Let me take you." Frank said and I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay. Becoming a pro on these things." I said with a smile. I kissed Mary's cheek and headed to my room shutting the door.


I heard her door click shut and Mary was still looking in the direction Vee walked.

"It's okay baby girl, she will be back later." I said and tickled her side.

"You saying that to Mary or reassuring yourself?" Roberta asked. I just looked at her.

"What?" I asked and she smiled.

"Frank Adler...how long have I known you?" Roberta asked getting up and putting Mary on the floor with some of her toys.

"I don't know a few years maybe." I said.

"Right and I have seen you in times when you were smitten or had feelings for someone and Frank Adler, you have it bad for Vienna." Roberta said and I groaned.

"No, I don't." I said getting up and going into the kitchen to get something to drink and to get Mary some juice. Robert followed,

"Then why did you get so mad at her for asking me to help her bath..."

"I didn't, honestly I think it's better if you do..."

"Why? Don't want to help the girl out?" Roberta poked.

"It's because when I helped her out the other day, I wanted to kiss her so bad it hurt. The pull in my chest wanted to just kiss her and have her be mine." I admitted openly. I had never openly admitted that to anyone or even myself. Roberta smiled as we walked back into the living room, and I placed Mary's juice bottle down next to her since she insisted on giving it to herself.

"Frank...have you told her how you feel?" Robert asked.

"How can I? I tell her, she doesn't feel the same and then we are in this living situation together and everything is awkward. I think sometimes it's just better to keep it to myself." I said and Roberta sighed.

"Frank, you need to tell her. She is looking for something to look forward to once she is better. This accident really took her down and she feels like a failure. Can I give you a challenge?" Roberta asked and I just looked at her confused.


"Yes, by the time Mary turns one you need to at least ask Vee out on a date. Just the two of you, as adults. Not as Mary's guardians, not as friend...as two adults going out together." Roberta said and I sighed but gave a nod.

"Well that give me a month and a half to think of how I want to do it." I said and looked at Mary as she giggled playing with her one toy.

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